Zanny Minton Beddoes - The Economist | The Daily Show

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Editor-in-Chief of The Economist, Zanny Minton Beddoes, joins Jon Stewart to discuss President Joe Biden’s 2nd term potential, the global spread of national conservatism, what former President Donald Trump doesn't understand about the NATO alliance, and the Republican divide over support for Ukraine. #DailyShow #Comedy

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Jon Stewart and The Best F**king News Team host The Daily Show, an Emmy and Peabody Award-winning program analyzing the biggest stories in news, politics, and culture through a sharp, satirical lens. The Daily Show redefined the late night show category on TV and, with an audience of over 51M across social media platforms, has become a launching pad for some of the biggest stars in entertainment.

The Daily Show airs weeknights at 11/10c on Comedy Central.
Рекомендации по теме

Love the guest hosts but Jon was born to be the voice of reason, political criticism, and genuine passion that TDS embodied for 16 years. He's a once in a generation human.


It is surreal to see Jon back interviewing people on the Daily Show. No one like him! Who else holds power accountable through such brilliant wordsmithing and focus?


Thanks Jon. You make us feel sane. It’s America that’s gone insane. You validate what we are thinking, you question the status quo, and all with laughter we need to get through the day!


Love John Stewart, he is eloquently simple and straight to the point, he is educating the listeners in very interesting way, he never makes a joke without a back story, just love him, and I'm so happy he's back


It's like he never left. Jon fits this so perfectly...and it's so encouraging. I've said it before, but he has a clarity to his discussions/arguments that is just lost today.


See why everybody loves Jon Stewart? The best interview I've seen in months. Welcome back, Jon, even if it IS only till the end of humanity...


So delighted John Stewart is back, wish he was on all week, we missed him !


He really is the only one in mainstream who can convey objective discussion while probing for valid and sincere opinions, and then nail it down with humor to pull in some type of positive feeling to the discussion. This is how talented people are supposed to be on TV. Fox News, CNN, and others have way overpaid people do it with underhanded and poisonous triggering and adversarial BS.


I would vote Jon Stewart for president hands down over ANY current politician. I’m sick to my stomach watching how competent, informed and direct Jon is. It’s disturbing how far from honest conversation and fact seeking political media has gotten.


He's back baby! And John Oliver is on the late show right now with Colbert. All is right with the world


I like the seriousness of this segment. I feel like The Daily Show started to lean hard into comedy, but this is what we need right now. Real conversations about politics that don't happen in mainstream media. People need to hear this.


All of a sudden everything feels a bit better, welcome back Jon.


It's refreshing to have somebody who can hold an entertaining conversation on serious topics, going toe-to-toe with a pretty sharp mind. More, please. And keep sharing on YouTube for us non-Yanks, cheers.


Excellent episode. All three segments were fantastic. Crazy that Jon hasn't dropped a beat in all this time.


I didn't realize how much I missed Jon Stewart as host. He still fits in so naturally, it's like he never even left! Great monologue(that actually assuaged my feelings about the coming election somewhat), great bit with each of the correspondents(love the rapport & how he allowed each of them to shine & get laughs), & a great interview with an interesting guest. Can't wait to see more!


Please have the most important parts of these episodes in full on YouTube. Full episodes if possible. The network may not allow it I guess. But we need to flood YouTube with sanity and the truth! Many of the people who need to hear what JS says will only have a chance to click on a video here on YouTube.


Crazy that The Daily Show is one of the rare spaces where serious, rhetorically light conversations can still happen.


9:14 "It is the cheapest possible way for the US to enhance its security. The fighting is being done by the Ukrainians, they're the people who are being killed. The US and Europe are supplying them weapons."
- Zanny Minton Beddoes, Editor-in-Chief of The Economist.


Love having Jon back! He’s a true media American hero!


This show was made for Jon Stewart. Mondays for the rest of this election run, I'll be going to the Jon for the best news roundup. Welcome back!
