Learn SAP ABAP - SE11 Data Dictionary - Introduction

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Learn SAP ABAP - SE11 Data Dictionary - Introduction
Beginners Guide to Learning SAP ABAP - Data Dictionary
In this module, we're going to focus specifically on the Data Dictionary.
The Data Dictionary (Transaction Code SE11) is the main tool that we use to look at, understand, and enhance the database and database tables that are used by our SAP system. We can view standard tables that are delivered by SAP using this tool. We can create our own tables and even enhance the existing tables delivered by SAP.
There are many other features within the Data Dictionary but we are going to focus on the basic ones so we can then build on our knowledge later on in the training course when we are creating our ABAP programs.
So, the first thing we are going to do is create a database table and this will involve creating fields, data elements, and domains. These are the fundamental building blocks of SAP tables...
Videos in the series:
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Beginners Guide to Learning SAP ABAP - Data Dictionary
In this module, we're going to focus specifically on the Data Dictionary.
The Data Dictionary (Transaction Code SE11) is the main tool that we use to look at, understand, and enhance the database and database tables that are used by our SAP system. We can view standard tables that are delivered by SAP using this tool. We can create our own tables and even enhance the existing tables delivered by SAP.
There are many other features within the Data Dictionary but we are going to focus on the basic ones so we can then build on our knowledge later on in the training course when we are creating our ABAP programs.
So, the first thing we are going to do is create a database table and this will involve creating fields, data elements, and domains. These are the fundamental building blocks of SAP tables...
Videos in the series:
Websites and Profiles:
More SAP Resources:
Various YouTube channels on SAP:
Learn SAP ABAP - SE11 Data Dictionary - Create A SAP Table
How to Create Table in ABAP in SAP -SE11 Data Dictionary - Intact Abode
SAP ABAP: How to create structure in SAP Dictionary (SE11)
ABAP Dictionary (SE11) - The most important functions
Learn SAP ABAP - SE11 Data Dictionary - Introduction
05 Learn SAP ABAP SE11 Data Dictionary Introduction
6 sap abap data dictionary SE11 - table overview
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SAP ABAP - SE11 Data Dictionary - Create A Table1
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sap abap beginner step by step tutorial:create database table using se 11
2. Learn Adding Content to Table in SE11 - ABAP Tutorial
Creating a Structure using SE11 in ABAP DATA Dictionary
create a table in SAP ABAP using transaction SE11