100% TAXES = India | Why Taxes in India are amongst the HIGHEST | Indirect Vs.Direct Taxes

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Kaliyug is characterized by a decline in virtue and an increase in vice. Moral values and human decency erode during this age, leading to widespread societal decay.

It is also marked by a decline in people's spiritual inclinations and practices. True knowledge of the divine and adherence to dharma (righteousness or duty) are said to diminish.

This era is associated with suffering, conflict, and confusion. It is believed that materialism overtakes spiritual goals, leading to strife both at individual and societal levels

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India taxes like Sweden but gives services like Afghanistan


Finance minister after watching this video:
Sorry I don't eat toffee, ghee, so it's your problem.


Both taxes impact only middle class more. For lower class government schemes are there and for higher class, they have money.


I am 67 and an income tax payer. But I don't get anything free from government


Prices rise every month surprising, gold has gone too far for I am 52, never seen such rises in my life time


Our finance minister is still not bothered since she doesnt pay tax😂


We are officially an Oligarchy. The Oligarchs like Ambanis, Adanis, Birlas call the shots and dictate what policies our netas adopt too.


Politicians are illeterate, no expectations. We want younger people in government and better reforms in education system and curbing corruption.


When i see the condition of the streets, garbage openly thrown no sewers hospitals lacking basic human amenities it arises questions about the my hard earned money the government takes from me. Why should i pay 28% GST on my vehicle. I paid the road tax yet have to pay toll fee. The condition of roads are better not to disclose it’s worse. The system works fine inside out but useless from outside.


Nobody says about per capita income. Only about GDP


100% agree with you.this is too much burden on middle class


This is so correct. We never thought on that angle. That's the reason we need more focus on education.
We need people with knowledge to be in the system not outside the system.
TRUE that political pressure and things happen but when u know the right path u must be on it and make people aware of it and make situation of that sort to make politicians Walk your path!


Small taxes can affect investment decisions such as whether to choose tax-free municipal bonds over taxable bonds or do a Roth IRA conversion. I’ve been sitting on over $745K equity from a home sale and I want to invest on the stock market, how do I achieve this without being taxed twice?


Thank You so much ❤beta .

Thanks for raising such an important topic


I don't mind giving High taxes but in return they must give something back. Like good health facilities, education infra or atleast good instead we get ill planned roads decorated with potholes, dust and garbage. HealthCare system is also education.... I guess we all know how it is.

The only thing this government has is that there is no better alternative to this changes soon


In just a few minutes I have fallen in love with your content. Amazing. Just sheer brilliance informations👏


Nirmala is a worst FM India can ever have


So true ...There is a huge pressure is on people who pay TDS..rest of the population evades taxes.


People say "small" MSME when they don't have logics but still want to make you emotional.


No government has even taken a miniscule step towards solving this low direct tax base. Our leaders are too busy to endorse religion based propoganda. That's the sad story of my India.😢
