Batman Proposed Catwoman!

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Batman Proposed Catwoman!
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 Bruce and Selina decided to get married. 

After returning from flashpoint universe. following his father's advice and motivated by a conversation with Gothamgirl, Bruce decided to seek happiness in his life. batman followed catwoman to the top of the bilding where they first met. and then batman removes his mask.

Bruce then proposed Selina with a diamond ring, which she had stolen when they first met.

Selina accept the proposal.

While Bruce and Catwoman temporarily left Gotham on a mission to find Holly Robinson in the country of Khadym, Alfred informed Dick, Jason, Duke and Damian of the engagement. Despite his initial doubts, Damian accepted his father's decision. and Bruce and Selina decided to get married.

Batman and Catwoman Wedding Batman and Catwoman Marriage DC Comics Wedding Batman Wedding Ceremony Catwoman Wedding Dress Batman and Catwoman Love Story Batman and Catwoman Relationship Gotham City Wedding Superhero Wedding Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle Wedding Batman and Catwoman proposal Batman proposes to Catwoman Catwoman's answer to Batman's proposal Batman and Catwoman engagement DC Comics wedding Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle engagement Bat and Cat engagement Batman Catwoman love story Gotham's superhero wedding Batman and Catwoman relationship

#BatCatEngagement 💍🦇🐱#shorts #fyp #dc #Marvel #dccomics #marvelcomics #comics #explained #batman #superman #justiceleague #injustice2 #BatCatProposal #BatmanAndCatwoman #BatCatEngagement #BatmanProposes #CatwomanSaidYes #DCProposal #SuperheroLove #GothamRomance #ComicBookLoveStory #BatCatForever #LoveInTheBatcave #BatCatWedding #GothamLove #HeroesInLove #BatmanLoveStory#BatAndCatWedding #BatCatWedding #BatmanCatwomanWedding #GothamWedding #SuperheroLove #DCWedding #BatCatForever #ComicBookWedding #BruceAndSelinaWedding #JusticeLeagueLove
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Finally! Never thought I'd see the artwork!!!! Bruce deserves to be happy!!


The bat and the cat. You couldn’t find a more perfect pair. Clark has Lois Lane, Oliver Queen has Dinah Lance,
Hal Jordan has Carol Farris, Jon Stewart has Shayera Hol, Dick Grayson has Koriand’r, and Damian Wayne has Rachel Roth. All the best DC universe couples.


Im kinda peeved but also chilling on the idea of it


This really made me tear up this is so amazing 😭


Down Bad?

Nah, Down Bat.


I knew that day would come. After all even a superhero needs and very much deserves happiness on his/her life. Nobel to spend life protecting those who can't protect themselves but life is short. You may have all the time in the world but life is short. Gotta enjoy life. Nothing wrong with batmans job but he shouldn't let it give him the excuse not to be something more. Like a husband to Catwoman and a father of they have a kid. Again nothing wrong with spending your life protecting others but don't let good things in life slip away.


In certain stories, Damian is actually the son of Bruce and Selena… Here, seems like he was there from way before them getting together. I’m not sure.

The only thing I’m sure is that I can’t stand the little brat 🫢😂


Please please please make this Cannon!


Didn't she leave him at the altar tho?
