Top 100 Most Repeated General Knowledge GK MCQs for PPSC FPSC ISSB CSS PMS NTS OTS ARMY FIA MOD NAB

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Top 100 Most Repeated General Knowledge GK MCQs for PPSC FPSC ISSB CSS PMS NTS OTS ARMY FIA MOD NAB
Following 100 most important and most repeated MCQs are added in this video:
1. Red Square is situated in: 00:05
2. Which one of the following city is also known as the City of Canals? 00:15
3. How many international languages are recognized by the United Nations? 00:25
4. Who has made the greatest number of runs in test cricket for Pakistan? 00:35
5. Pakistan recognized China in: 00:45
6. World Water Day is Celebrated on: 00:55
7. ANSA is the news agency of? 01:05
8. Maple Leaf is the symbol of: 01:15
9. What is the Longest River in the World? 01:25
10. The United Nations was founded on _______ ? 01:35
11. Which country from the following is not the member of UNO? 01:45
12. There are __ members of SAARC? 01:55
13. Table tennis is the national games of which country? 02:05
14. The motto of UNO is: 02:15
15. In which country did Table Tennis originate? 02:25
16. The D-8 is an organization of eight ____ countries. 02:35
17. The European Union’s Working Capital is in: 02:45
18. The headquarter of NATO is in: 02:55
19. Which country, on the map of world, appears as “Long Shoe”?
20. Name the youngest elected president of USA?
21. Joe Biden took Oath as the __ president of United States?
22. Capital of Australia
23. Singapore was previously part of
24. Nippon is the former name of
25. The oldest tennis tournament in the world is
26. There are _ Asian landlocked countries
27. Autobiography “Living History” is written by:
28. SAARC Preferential Trading Agreement or SAPTA made in:
29. Scandinavian and Nordic countries are
30. Chachnama was written by:
31. Which is the smallest state of India by population?
32. Old Town Square is in:
33. Name the French sculptor who carved “The Statue of Liberty”?
34. “Girl with a Pearl Earring” is famous artwork of:
35. Dayton Agreement was a peace agreement of:
36. The currency of Ukraine is:
37. Where is the headquarters of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)?
38. Which of the following is a transcontinental country?
39. Marseilles is the seaport of:
40. Which of the following is not a G-7 country?
41. World Teachers’ Day was celebrated on:
42. Which is the longest Canal in the world with a length of 1776 km and also considered UNESCO World Heritage site?
43. Which is the capital of Angola?
44. Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has __ official languages.
45. What is the currency of Syria?
46. Air Europa is an Airline of which country?
47. The smallest state of USA in area is:
48. ‘Han Kaung’ is the largest annual military exercise of which country?
49. Where can you Find Trevi Fountain?
50. The peak of what mountain is farthest from the center of the Earth?
51. The Himalayas mountain range contains ___ mountains having height of more than 8000 meters.
52. Stupa is the sacred place of:
53. Where is An-Nafud desert?
54. The largest continent (by Area) of the World is:
55. Which city connects two continents?
56. In which country paper was first invented?
57. Silk road connects which two countries?
58. Which Strait separates India from Sri Lanka?
59. Cape Town is the seaport of which country?
60. The highest waterfall of the world is:
61. First Commonwealth games were held in the country?
62. Which of the following is the warmest ocean?
63. Al Jazeera TV belongs to which country?
64. Custom of having many wives is called?
65. River Thames is in which country:
66. When Facebook was launched?
67. Napoleon Bonaparte was the King of
68. Who is known as Napoleon of Asia
69. Hundred Year’s War was fought between:
70. The most famous name in the world is:
71. BRICS was founded in the year:
72. In which year Zimbabwe gained independence?
73. What is the width of an Ice Hockey goal?
74. “APP” News Agency belongs to?
75. Which country is considered as founder of Basketball?
76. The hottest planet of the solar system is?
77. Who said, “Democracy is the Best Revenge”?
78. 1 barrel oil is equal to how many liters?
79. Khartoum is the capital of?
80. The length of USA and Canada border is:
81. Parliament Name of Iceland
82. Parliament name of Norway:
83. The Olympic Games are held after every:
84. Who was the first Asian to have received the Noble Prize?
85. I.Q. is an abbreviation of:
86. “Durand Line” is a boundary line between:
87. On the bank of which river is the city of London located?
88. Michelangelo was a famous?
89. The Earth moves from:
90. Saba is the News Agency of:
91. SANA is the News Agency of:
92. Which one is the World’s Largest Landlocked Country?
93. Who said, “Man is a social animal”?
94. Headquarter of ILO is in:
95. The headquarter of WTO is in:
96. “Mein Kampf” is the autobiography of?
97. The Famous Painting ‘Mona Lisa’ was the creation of:
98. “Land of Rising Sun” is:
99. “Land of Midnight Sun” is:
100. The Mount Everest is in:
#gk #generalknowledge
Following 100 most important and most repeated MCQs are added in this video:
1. Red Square is situated in: 00:05
2. Which one of the following city is also known as the City of Canals? 00:15
3. How many international languages are recognized by the United Nations? 00:25
4. Who has made the greatest number of runs in test cricket for Pakistan? 00:35
5. Pakistan recognized China in: 00:45
6. World Water Day is Celebrated on: 00:55
7. ANSA is the news agency of? 01:05
8. Maple Leaf is the symbol of: 01:15
9. What is the Longest River in the World? 01:25
10. The United Nations was founded on _______ ? 01:35
11. Which country from the following is not the member of UNO? 01:45
12. There are __ members of SAARC? 01:55
13. Table tennis is the national games of which country? 02:05
14. The motto of UNO is: 02:15
15. In which country did Table Tennis originate? 02:25
16. The D-8 is an organization of eight ____ countries. 02:35
17. The European Union’s Working Capital is in: 02:45
18. The headquarter of NATO is in: 02:55
19. Which country, on the map of world, appears as “Long Shoe”?
20. Name the youngest elected president of USA?
21. Joe Biden took Oath as the __ president of United States?
22. Capital of Australia
23. Singapore was previously part of
24. Nippon is the former name of
25. The oldest tennis tournament in the world is
26. There are _ Asian landlocked countries
27. Autobiography “Living History” is written by:
28. SAARC Preferential Trading Agreement or SAPTA made in:
29. Scandinavian and Nordic countries are
30. Chachnama was written by:
31. Which is the smallest state of India by population?
32. Old Town Square is in:
33. Name the French sculptor who carved “The Statue of Liberty”?
34. “Girl with a Pearl Earring” is famous artwork of:
35. Dayton Agreement was a peace agreement of:
36. The currency of Ukraine is:
37. Where is the headquarters of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)?
38. Which of the following is a transcontinental country?
39. Marseilles is the seaport of:
40. Which of the following is not a G-7 country?
41. World Teachers’ Day was celebrated on:
42. Which is the longest Canal in the world with a length of 1776 km and also considered UNESCO World Heritage site?
43. Which is the capital of Angola?
44. Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has __ official languages.
45. What is the currency of Syria?
46. Air Europa is an Airline of which country?
47. The smallest state of USA in area is:
48. ‘Han Kaung’ is the largest annual military exercise of which country?
49. Where can you Find Trevi Fountain?
50. The peak of what mountain is farthest from the center of the Earth?
51. The Himalayas mountain range contains ___ mountains having height of more than 8000 meters.
52. Stupa is the sacred place of:
53. Where is An-Nafud desert?
54. The largest continent (by Area) of the World is:
55. Which city connects two continents?
56. In which country paper was first invented?
57. Silk road connects which two countries?
58. Which Strait separates India from Sri Lanka?
59. Cape Town is the seaport of which country?
60. The highest waterfall of the world is:
61. First Commonwealth games were held in the country?
62. Which of the following is the warmest ocean?
63. Al Jazeera TV belongs to which country?
64. Custom of having many wives is called?
65. River Thames is in which country:
66. When Facebook was launched?
67. Napoleon Bonaparte was the King of
68. Who is known as Napoleon of Asia
69. Hundred Year’s War was fought between:
70. The most famous name in the world is:
71. BRICS was founded in the year:
72. In which year Zimbabwe gained independence?
73. What is the width of an Ice Hockey goal?
74. “APP” News Agency belongs to?
75. Which country is considered as founder of Basketball?
76. The hottest planet of the solar system is?
77. Who said, “Democracy is the Best Revenge”?
78. 1 barrel oil is equal to how many liters?
79. Khartoum is the capital of?
80. The length of USA and Canada border is:
81. Parliament Name of Iceland
82. Parliament name of Norway:
83. The Olympic Games are held after every:
84. Who was the first Asian to have received the Noble Prize?
85. I.Q. is an abbreviation of:
86. “Durand Line” is a boundary line between:
87. On the bank of which river is the city of London located?
88. Michelangelo was a famous?
89. The Earth moves from:
90. Saba is the News Agency of:
91. SANA is the News Agency of:
92. Which one is the World’s Largest Landlocked Country?
93. Who said, “Man is a social animal”?
94. Headquarter of ILO is in:
95. The headquarter of WTO is in:
96. “Mein Kampf” is the autobiography of?
97. The Famous Painting ‘Mona Lisa’ was the creation of:
98. “Land of Rising Sun” is:
99. “Land of Midnight Sun” is:
100. The Mount Everest is in:
#gk #generalknowledge