Polls show Biden, Sanders and Warren at top of 2020 Democratic field

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One new poll shows former Vice President Joe Biden with a 13-point lead over his next closest competitors, Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, but another poll shows the three nearly tied. Elizabeth Landers, a Washington correspondent for "Vice News Tonight," and CBS News campaign reporters Zak Hudak and Cara Korte spoke to CBSN's Elaine Quijano about the current state of the race.
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Polls show Sanders and Warren in the lead while Biden continues to plummet


I don't think I have meet one person in real life that has said they support Biden

Bernie 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Sure it does? Bernie Sanders right then and right now for America!


Why have a fake when you can have the original


I find it funny that Yang is beating both Booker and Buttigieg, but of course they don't show him


Bernie is on top off course...Bernie 2020 ❤️


And like that warren lost my consideration I'm all bernie now


Biden is terrible 👎👎👎
Warren and Bernie 👍👍👍👍


Biden won’t win in the debate only sanders could defeat trump easy


LOL no yang. MSM really is scared of him.


Biden is DONE!! MSM needs to top shilling for him, and report on the overwhelming support that the people have for Sanders and Warren.


A few big differences between Warren & Bernie:

Bernie has been committed to Medicare for All from the beginning. Warren only recently declared she is fully supportive of Medicare for all.

Unlike Warren, Bernie is committed to small donor fundraising even in the General election. Warren has said she would only do small donor fundraising in the Primary, so Bernie won't feel any sort of pressure to bend on his policy stances once elected.

Warren originally planned on voting for Ben Carson as Secretary of Housing, but then flip flopped when she was criticized.

Warren worked with republicans to repeal the 'Medical Device Tax' which would have helped defund the ACA, in order to appease the Medical Device Industry in her state.

Unlike Warren, Bernie has a long history of progressivism dating back to the 60s. Warren was a staunch Republican up until the late 90s.

Bernie has also been one of the longest serving members of congress, he was a mayor in Vermont, and has a lot of experience in governance compared to Warren.

Warren voted twice to increase the Military budget brought forth under Pres. Trump, which appropriated over $81Billion for purchase of Aircraft, Weapons, Missiles, and Combat Vehicles. On top of that it appropriated several Billion dollars toward other parts of the DoD.

Bernie wants to cancel all student debt, Warren wants to implement a means-tested solution. A Means-tested program will likely further split people into the "haves" vs. "have-nots" and are easier to attack, dismantle, and weaken. Take a means-tested program like Welfare vs a universal program like Social Security as an example. Welfare is very unpopular whereas Social Security is very popular.

There is also a more nuanced distinction between them I'd like to make, with all the political differences aside. The one area I think Bernie absolutely dominates where Warren doesn't, is with rhetoric. They both are offering tons of plans, but to me Bernie is the only candidate with a strong message of how it will all be executed. If you want to implement even a fraction of either Warren's or Bernie's plans you need a radical change in voter engagement in this country, and I have never seen a politician who can rally young people and apathetic people into the political process as well as Bernie has. In 2015 he was nothing but a small Independent Senator from Vermont, and he went on to win 23 contests against the establishment backed former First Lady, Secretary of State, and Senator of New York. Now he is arguably one of the most popular politicians in America, and he has changed the political rhetoric among leading Democrats. Just look at the incredibly influential organizations that stemmed out of his 2016 campaign:

Justice Democrats

Brand New Congress

Our Revolution

Bernie's central thesis to his entire political rhetoric is of revolution, of a movement... and he is right. We need big changes to address the existential crises of this country and frankly the entire planet. The only way we do that is if millions of people stand up and get involved in the political process.


Oh I'm sure Ol Joe and corporatist CBS prefers today's poll 🙄


Why arent you showing Yang who is ahead of the last two there?!?


Warren and Bernie are the best candidates 👍


Will you put Mr Andrew yang on the list only once he is 99%??


Bernie is the freaking best! Freedom fighter all the way


Go Bernie!!! In first place for the first time in the race! I LOVE it! :) :) :)


Polls show Sanders and Warren in the lead while Biden continues to plummet


Andrew has been ahead of booker for weeks now. Bad Journalism.
