Chandra Frontiers in Time-Domain Science - October 16 - Massive and Evolved Stars II
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- X-rays as tracers of shocks and burning in novae - Jeno Sokoloski (Columbia, LSSTC)
- The Colliding Winds of WR 25 in High Resolution X-rays - Pragati Pradhan (MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research)
- WZ Sge: a magnetic propeller white dwarf system? - Maria Georganti (University of Southampton)
- Timing Analysis with ACIS HETG spectra - Joy Nichols (Harvard & Smithsonitan CfA)
- The Colliding Winds of WR 25 in High Resolution X-rays - Pragati Pradhan (MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research)
- WZ Sge: a magnetic propeller white dwarf system? - Maria Georganti (University of Southampton)
- Timing Analysis with ACIS HETG spectra - Joy Nichols (Harvard & Smithsonitan CfA)