Create a Flip video recording assignment in Microsoft Teams

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Educators can create a Flip video recording as a part of an assignment in Teams. Learners can attach a Flip video recording to any assignment as part of their submission.

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Flipgrid's value was the interactivity between students. It was crucial for online University courses during the pandemic. I incorporated that feature in several of my assignments, but it is now gone!


I am so disappointed in such a great educational tool helpful to ALL students. Last year my students were excited about making their videos! Please bring it back!!!!


It is truly tragic for the Flip platform to discontinue. It was AWESOME app which was easily taught. My high school students love using Flip. The MS Teams is very complicated to use and it requires a lot of navigation. Is there any way to reconsider and relaunch the Flip platform?


I'd really appreciate it if you could add a feature that allows students to respond directly to each other's videos. The core functionality for responding seems similar to other screen recording platforms. Please bring back the ability to respond directly to videos between students!


No one understands Teams and no one wants to use it. "Thanks" for killing Flip.


Now listen, I used flip for fun and I loved it. It was my favorite platform because of the easy editing and it took no storage to make a video because everything was saved online. Now I came back to ALL of my videos deleted which some were all the way back to 3 YEARS ago. Also I cant use Microsoft teams because it is ONLY for school accounts with microsoft installed. It is truely tragic for flip to be gone and Ill never forget it :(


Moving Flip to Teams was not a good choice (and we're a Microsoft district). It's nothing more than a camera now. Very disappointed.


Wow, this is bad news. I used to love using Flip and formerly Flipgrid with my students. The live YouTube videos were fantastic and the presenters awesome.


While the IT world may have been privy to this news, most educators in our district were not aware that Flip was ending. Our first day of students was yesterday, so we find the overall notice and, in particular, the view only feature ending September 30 to be unfriendly and abrupt. At least consider keeping the view only feature available for the entire 24-25 school year. Then, teachers can have access to our Flip communities in order to hopefully adjust to either downloading Flip assignments into MS Teams, recreating assignments via MS Teams, or discovering some other method of recording and sharing. Thank you.


This was a terrible Call! With FLIP students were able to see eachother's videos


can students see each others' replies and reply to them with a video? if so how is it done?


The one app that really made a difference in methodology, teaching and marking. Gone! Microsoft is sending teachers directly to google.


I'm totally bummed. Flip was great. I can't access it in Teams. Teams sucks anyway and is complicated for middle school kids. I wish you would reconsider ending Flip.


Please bring back the old flip. I'd even be willing to pay the subscription


y’all destroyed my childhood tbh. I had videos from when I was in 2nd grade! That’s ancient! I rlly hope you guys know you ruined my happiness. The last time I used flip was in June, I had no idea it would shut down only a few months later. rest in peace flipgrid, I loved you.


Shows how little Microsoft cares about education. Flip was one of the best apps for teachers and students. Why is it that it’s always profit over the good of our society?


Soy profesor universitario, en agosto fui invitado a dar un curso donde se incluia el uso de flip, y grande fue mi sorpresa de la cancelacion, y la fecha de desaparicion. Solo vemos la afectacion que nos ocasiona su nuevo uso, muy limitado, no se ve el telepromter, no se ve como asignar tiempos de respuesta, hay que descargar los videos para que los estudiantes se vean y debatan sus ideas, me uno a la gran solicitud de millones, que se reconsidere la decision. Lo uso en teams, pero no veo aun ni una ventaja para haberlo eliminado. ojala puedan mostrarlas, para saberlas. MUCHAS GRACIAS FLIP POR SER MUY UTIL EN EL DESARROLLO DE LA AUTOESTIMA, SEGURIDAD, Y EL PENSAMIENTO ENTRE LOS ESTUDIANTES.


Just adding my comment along with the main consensus that this was a terrible call. The "replacement" is unacceptable and does not meet the core functionality that educators were using Flipgrid/Flip for.


I'm confused ... most schools use google classroom. I use microsoft teams for a second job and hate it. Plus, is this compatible with Google? If so, how do I connect them?

Very disappointed:(


Could We get acess the doenload link ?It's really sad to leave Flip, it really takes time to downlaod all the videos we have created ?
