Alternating KB Step up

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KB Alternating Step Ups:
- Grab a box that allows the thigh to be parallel as you step up onto it
- Grab kettlebells and firmly squeeze into sides to minimize movement and activate the trunk musculature to help you stabilize
- Plant foot firmly onto box so that the knee is directly over top of the ankle and flexed at a 90 degree angle
- Pull heel down into box and try to pull yourself up onto the box by contracting the hamstrings and glute maximally as you drive up with force
- Imagine trying to jump up through the ceiling as you step up, keeping most of the weight in the elevated leg
- Stand tall before stepping back down and alternating legs
- Grab a box that allows the thigh to be parallel as you step up onto it
- Grab kettlebells and firmly squeeze into sides to minimize movement and activate the trunk musculature to help you stabilize
- Plant foot firmly onto box so that the knee is directly over top of the ankle and flexed at a 90 degree angle
- Pull heel down into box and try to pull yourself up onto the box by contracting the hamstrings and glute maximally as you drive up with force
- Imagine trying to jump up through the ceiling as you step up, keeping most of the weight in the elevated leg
- Stand tall before stepping back down and alternating legs