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Mallorca ist eine der spanischen Baleareninseln im Mittelmeer. Sie ist für ihre Badeorte, geschützten Buchten, Kalksteinberge sowie Überreste aus römischer und maurischer Zeit bekannt. Die Hauptstadt Palma bietet ein lebendiges Nachtleben, den von den Mauren errichteten Königspalast Almudaina und die Kathedrale Santa María. Es gibt Dörfer mit Steinhäusern wie Pollença mit seinen Kunstgalerien und einem Musikfestival oder das auf einem Hügel gelegene und von Zitrusplantagen umgebene Fornalutx. Cala Rajada („Rochenbucht“), ist ein Ort auf der spanischen Baleareninsel Mallorca. Der 6432 Einwohner zählende Ort (Stand: 2019) ist ein Ortsteil der Gemeinde Capdepera. Die Landschaft um Cala Rajada herum besteht aus sanften Hügeln von etwa 200–250 Metern Höhe, der markanteste davon ist Es Telégraf. Die Halbinsel Punta de Capdepera und das Cap des Freu bilden den Landabschluss. Die Felsküste ist durchbrochen von mehreren Buchten mit Sandstrand. Von Norden nach Süden sind dies: Cala Moltó, Cala Agulla, Cala Lliteres, Cala Gat und Cala Son Moll. Im Süden liegt das Cap Vermell.
Mallorca is one of the Spanish Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean. It is known for its seaside resorts, sheltered bays, limestone mountains and remains from Roman and Moorish times. The capital Palma offers a lively nightlife, the Almudaina Royal Palace built by the Moors
and the Santa María Cathedral. There are villages with stone houses such as Pollença with its art galleries and a music festival or Fornalutx,
which is located on a hill and surrounded by citrus plantations. Cala Rajada ("Ray Bay") is a place on the Spanish Balearic island of Mallorca.
The town, which has 6,432 inhabitants (as of 2019), is a district of the municipality of Capdepera. The landscape around Cala Rajada consists of rolling hills around 200-250 meters high, the most striking of which is Es Telégraf. The Punta de Capdepera peninsula and Cap des Freu form
the land border. The rocky coast is broken up by several bays with sandy beaches. From north to south these are: Cala Moltó, Cala Agulla, Cala Lliteres, Cala Gat and Cala Son Moll. To the south lies Cap Vermell.
Mallorca is one of the Spanish Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean. It is known for its seaside resorts, sheltered bays, limestone mountains and remains from Roman and Moorish times. The capital Palma offers a lively nightlife, the Almudaina Royal Palace built by the Moors
and the Santa María Cathedral. There are villages with stone houses such as Pollença with its art galleries and a music festival or Fornalutx,
which is located on a hill and surrounded by citrus plantations. Cala Rajada ("Ray Bay") is a place on the Spanish Balearic island of Mallorca.
The town, which has 6,432 inhabitants (as of 2019), is a district of the municipality of Capdepera. The landscape around Cala Rajada consists of rolling hills around 200-250 meters high, the most striking of which is Es Telégraf. The Punta de Capdepera peninsula and Cap des Freu form
the land border. The rocky coast is broken up by several bays with sandy beaches. From north to south these are: Cala Moltó, Cala Agulla, Cala Lliteres, Cala Gat and Cala Son Moll. To the south lies Cap Vermell.