Is Your Team Truly Motivated? | Intrinsic Motivation vs Extrinsic Motivation | Attuned Live Webinar

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Do you have an honest desire to make your team or business a better place to work? If you have that, we can help.

Over the course of the 45 minute session, Chad Lafferty, VP of Global for Attuned, will guide you through the tricky parts of employee motivation. This will include an overview of the psychology that Attuned was built on, a look at how Attuned makes the unseen seen, and a Q&A.

What we’ll cover:
- Why is intrinsic motivation more important than extrinsic motivation?
- How can motivational gaps positively and negatively impact communication?
- What businesses can do to improve motivation and positively impact engagement and turnover.

By the end of the session you’ll have a better understanding of the importance of intrinsic motivation and how you can revolutionize the way your workplace thinks about engagement.

💁🏼If you have any further questions, contact Chad on LinkedIn at

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✚ About Attuned
The Intrinsic Motivation Software - Make work more meaningful
Understand what really motivates your team. Make unseen values visible.
Create Psychological Safety through Intrinsic Motivation.
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