The Best Wireless Gaming Headset MICROPHONES

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Having a good microphone is essential for wireless gaming headsets but most of them are actually terrible. So in this roundup we focus on finding the best microphones on a gaming headset and we ended up finding some of the worst too.

Buy our recommendations from Amazon below:

0:00 - Expectations vs Reality
1:36 - Corsair HS80 RGB Wireless
2:18 - Corsair HS80 MAX Wireless
2:50 - Corsair HS65 Wireless
3:23 - The Audeze Maxwell Hype Train
4:34 - Sponsor Spot
5:05 - Razer Blackshark V2 PRO (Nailed it!)
5:48 - Razer Blackshark V2 Hyperspeed
6:33 - Beyerdynamic MMX 200 is NUTS
7:48 - Sony InZone H9
8:47 - Logitech G PRO X 2 Lightspeed
9:35 - SteelSeries NOVA Pro Wireless
10:21 - SteelSeries Arctis NOVA 7P
10:48 - HyperX Cloud Alpha
11:24 - HyperX Cloud III Wireless
12:00 - the ECHO chamber Test
13:14 - These are the BEST Microphones

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This video is sponsored by Thermatlake. As per Hardware Canucks guidelines, no review direction was received from manufacturer. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

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***CORRECTION: HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless and CLOUD III Wireless have a sidetone feature, by long-pressing the mic-mute button you enable "Mic Feedback". It's audible and does not introduce any hiss. Woops.


7:48 The fuck is Sony doing selling a 300$ wireless headset that sounds like this


2:21, what's happening isn't compression; it's actually a noise gate, often used for noise cancellation. Compression in audio, on the other hand, works to bring high and low volume sounds closer together, resulting in a more uniform and balanced volume output. I would actually increase background sound.

A noise gate, on the other hand, acts like an automatic on and off switch. It opens when the input volume reaches a certain threshold, and it remains closed when the volume is too low. Essentially, it helps eliminate unwanted background noise.

12:00, it's not an echo room, it's a reverb room or chamber. Reverb mainly captures the direct bounce of sound, creating a hollow or spacious effect. It adds a tail to the sound, enhancing its depth. Echo, on the other hand, involves sound repetitions that take longer to bounce back, resulting in a distinct repeated effect.


Dimitri, another great presentation. You and Eber knock it out of the park.


Love the video! Hope you'll be making a video for wired headset microphones! Thanks for all the effort you put into these!


I literally just looked this up. Thanks for rounding everything up in a single video. Gonna watch it now.


Just the video I needed! I've been wanting to replace my old Arctis 7 but I feel like the reviews these days are so mixed. Thanks!


Thanks for making a great comparison video without making it 30 mins long! 👏


Thank you for the fantastic video. Manufacturers should be prioritising more on the quality of their headset microphone. Of course for the purpose of gaming, all of these headset microphone are serviceable. However many of us are also working virtually having virtual meeting and interviews. That is where the quality of the microphone is so so important, Where in these case, the stakes is high (either winning/loss a job interview, make/break in clients' confidence), of course this are 10% of the scenario, but anytime when the zoom/teams ring, I want to pick up my headset and feel confident that I am delivering on my best. For that reason, I am very happy with my HS80 OG (thank you for your yearly recommendation, I got it last year after watching your videos). Manufacturers should not cut conner on the mic, and they should know that consumer are willing to pay more for headset with good sounding mic of the box.


Back in the day when I was reviewing for Microphones we actually had a decent test for looking for best solution as far as pure sound quality was concerned. I was doing the radio show so I had access to a VERY high quality microphone, properly calibrated. We spoke the shows catch phrase into the mic and recorded a raw audio file.

Four our gaming headset testing we would compare the same audio file created raw to the input provided by these mics. We understood that the input we used at my office was not the same quality as the input use at the studio. However we where looking for how close the sound pattern could match, not looking for perfection. The closer the sound patterns matched the comparison the better the mic quality.

For noise cancellation, we would again do a mic input in a "silent" room. We would then do the same sound input but add in background noise and again compare the two sound files to see which had the least deviation from the quite room sampling.


Thumbnail is elite, plus the video was genuinely enjoyable to watch too


Glad you mentioned how important sidetone is. I still haven’t found one that’s good enough for me. Hence why I just stick with open back.


Including the HyperX Alpha is much appreciated. You have influenced my next purchasing decision. Thank you. 😊


Great video with a lot of informative information! About Denon AH-D1200 mic sound? I'm very curious about this headset but found no place mention about its mic quality. Thank you very much!


I just know Logitech G Pro X 2 has the worst mic and come to shame it


I see you included the Antlion Modmic at the beginning of the video. I would love to see a comparison between that and something like the V-Moda Boom Pro microphone.


I use the HS80 and bought it after trying multiple different wireless headphones specifically because of the microphone quality. I can barely distinguish it to my Rode NT-USB Mini. I almost got the HS80 MAX when it was announced. But after hearing it here, I am glad I didn't. Why did Corsair ruin a good thing? I will be replacing the battery in my HS80 to keep it for longer.

I have also tried the MMX150, which are the wired version of the MMX200. I found them really uncomfortable, especially the earpads, which are not deep enough, so that my ears hit the speakers. The headband was also not ideal. The microphone sounds amazing though and I would love to get them!


This is just the type of comparison that I have been looking for and I so much agree with everything you point out in terms of mic quality!
Awesome job, man, thank you so much!
I am looking for a wireless overear headset (with ANC) that allows for a really good call quality in a work environment and the headsets dedicated to this all appear to do a terrible job in transmitting the human voice in a natural way (I have heard call samples elsewhere on youtube and can hardly believe how bad those work headsets sound).
However, when working with people over a distance, my voice is my most important instrument in getting through to them and it just has to sound good in the sense of natural. So, obviously, for that purpose, I need to resort to a gaming headset!


Amazing comparison, well structured and talking with each device microphone is very helpful to differentiate the quality, congrats🤩😁


Excellent video!!! everybody is talking about the wireless headsets, but nobody talks about the mic, and i think is it the most important thing when you a have at least 2 friends and a discord comunity, thank you from Argentina
