REAL TALK! Broken VS Full Set (Genshin Impact)

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Today in Genshin Impact we're talking about broken vs full set artifacts.

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If its your main DPS then having good artifact rolls is way more important than just completing a set. This is why for Moga, the simulator was only giving him broken sets because, no offense to him, his Shimenawa set is pretty bad. If its someone like Kazuha, his damage isn't as important so you want that 4pc to buff your actual damage dealer. In Nilou's case, its more of they just haven't released a proper set for her so just using what gives the most stats is really the only option that makes sense right now but this will likely change in the future.


I think another thing to keep in mind is the type of player. Most a fair amount of 4 piece sets (especially recently) have a lot of factors to keep track of. Like bonus that only apply in certain situations, which can be hard for some players to manage. For players who don't we want to have to perfect a rotation, or don't have full teams built to allow full bonuses, I think a 2pc 2pc, or broken set can be best. In terms of pure damage, 4pc is usually best, but for other situations broken set are viable.


In Ganyu's case, the difference in the damage comes from the sheer amount of attack that she's lost. People underestimate the value of attack for their characters, but getting 2k+ attack is almost always WAY more valuable than getting crit stats. People overestimate crit and underestimate attack.


I think that for building a lot of characters, four piece sets can give a lot of value. For example, my main Klee is about the same DPS on a 4 lavawalker compared to a 2CW2Glad, which has no drawbacks like lavawalker. However, if I take those godly glad pieces for her, then my other characters suffer because they’re left with useless lavawalker pieces. Point is, genshin optimizer will optimize for each character, but we have to optimize our own account because we can add value to our artifacts by forcing sets


i always go 4 piece cause its makes me feel better about the substats


While it is best to prioritize 4pc sets, if your subs are bad but you've been playing a while, the chances of having a good 2pc Gladiator set is pretty high, so using a 2pc of the "signature set" and a 2pc Glad can really help improve your damage output while playing until you can farm good stats on the sets you want


🌸🌹It would be candid tongue to compliment candid discussions that must be had and that would be had🌹🌸


It is always the same answer in Genshin: it depends! So many factors that play a role in damage calculations that a simple answer is not possible. If you want to find out what’s best then use the optimizer and try your artifacts to see the effect, most of the times a 4pc bonus is so good that it’s hard to substitute. But 2pc 2pc can work. Understanding what stats you want


A future video idea kinda in line with this, artifact set tier list? You can make different ones (aesthetic based, 4pc based, universalness, overall) and it could be fun


when i started my artifact grind, my philosophy has always been main stat > sub stats > set bonuses. but now that i have a ton of artifacts and a better knowledge at the game, i do always aim for at least a 2pc/2pc, but mix and matching and doing your own tests does really help.

also some character kits have caveats that do not pair well with our current artifact sets. at the top of my head we have:
1. childe and HoD because his CAs and burst are also a huge factor in his damage
2. xiao pre-vermillion basically just wants as much atk and crit stats. post-vermillion he now have a clear best 4pc, however forcing that 4pc with worse substats can still be worse than a broken set with better substats
3. yae because we dont have a 5star artifact that boosts elemental skill damage yet


I typically give a character another character's artifacts if I'm still farming for their set. You have stuff like Guilded, VV, and Emblem that work well enough on a large group of characters that you can have a generalist set to use while you get something more optimal. Wanderer will probably get Venti's VV set so I can still use him in the meantime while I farm his domain. Nothing in the game is hard enough to justify not playing a character because you don't have the optimal artifacts. There's enough stuff in the game that works well enough to get a feel for a certain character while you farm.


It always depends on the specific character, for example childe is great with 4pc hod but 2pc hod and 2pc atk for example is also in most cases very decent if not better - especially with the amount of atk% sets we have nowadays everybody has quite good artifacts in at least one of these sets - but then there's also characters where compensating for that 4pc is almost impossible like itto, Albedo with husk and ayaka with 4pc Blizzard like a bad blizzard set will still be better for a freeze ayaka than any other broken set just because it's so valuable


I think it depends on the character and their own kit in most situations. Some work better as 2 2pc bonuses and others maximize from a 4p. Broken sets obviously could give supreme crit ratios. However, then you lose the set bonuses, which can be helpful. So broken sets work better for newer players who aren't grinding as much, but once you get above ar45, then you might as well invest in getting decent sets built.


Just be sure you are checking off artifact perks in Genshin Optimizer when setting up filters per character. For example, I had rainbow be a top pick for Albedo until I turned on the perks for Husk at max stacks.


My Ayato apparently uses 2ToM alongside 2HoD pieces I already had on, who knew.
For some reason I just hadn't even considered using these pieces in this context yet, I knew my ToM pieces were crazy as off-set pieces or when going 4piece, I just completely overlooked this use. I'm not getting substantial increases nor am I saving meaningful time since I'm good at estimating optimal builds quickly, but it's just so interesting to put everything in perspective.


4 set piece made for certain character (Husk/Heart of depth/Thundering Fury/Vermillion/Echoes/etc) > 4 set universal artifact (Gladiator/Emblem/Noblesse) > 2+2 piece (2 from any universal artifact with 2 elemental artifacts) > 4 random artifact with high crit/CD. For 5 star DPS always grind for the 4 set if available, if not or out of resin use 2+2 (for example Yae/pre 2.0 Xiao) you might lose 10% damage however not much of a problem. Always keep 2 elemental artifact with another 2 universal artifact, It allows you to use the character once you level up both level and talent. The damage from Universal to optimal wasn't very noticeabe in damage for example Noelle with gladiator and husk only had around less than 10% damage (if not using charge attack)


depends on teh character. for example xiao can go vermilion 4pc or 2pc atk 2pc anemo and if substats r similar the dmg can also be similar but if we take sb like ayaka who wnats freeze and mostly and only freeze that 4pc is incredibly important


Broken sets can be viable but it can't be random. For example to make up the difference of a 4pc wanders 35% damage bonus, a 2pc cryo damage and 2pc attack or 2x 2pc attack might be closer in damage than 2 random 2pc sets.


while there is a discussion to be had, i thinnk it should be pointed out (as it was in the comments on that video) the reason the optimizer offered artifacts in that way is because you didn't use it correctly. actually weird to bring that up here when you should know that


well u should know in case if nilou, she is going to get her signature set next patch so no more broken set for her would be better..
