Rose of Sharon 'bushes to trees', 3 years later

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Our flower graden three years after our last video featuring our Rose of Sharon that we pruned and trained from bushes to trees. We've also introduced iris and day lillies into our rose garden with a wonderful result.
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I love irises. I have some beautiful (smallish) dark purple ones that I got from my grandmother many years ago. They probably belonged to her mother.... Amazing how plants connect us... Wisteria always reminds me of Grandma #1 because she had several shrubs in her yard. I gave Grandma #2 some hyacinths many years ago. After they finished blooming I offered to plant them in her yard so she could enjoy them from her kitchen window, but she insisted, “No, you take them so you will have them to remember me by.” Days later, She unexpectedly died and a year after that, when I was going through a really rough time, I happened to come home one day for lunch and saw “her” hyacinths blooming in my yard for the first time. Of course I immediately thought of my Grandmother. Thanks for the memories. ❤️


So beautiful... I just started my garden and can’t wait to try some from your videos. You’re an inspiration!


🤩 wow you are awesome! Gorgeous garden.


Every time I see your garden, it's so inspiring - all this joyful color! I just love that.


Oh my goodness, I can only imagine having a garden like yours! Absolutely gorgeous!


It's Beautiful! The birds are happy 😊 Rose of Sharon are lovely. They bring hummingbirds ❤


Beautiful! I have three rose of Sharon topiaries thanks to you! They are doing great!


Rose of Sharon is a sturdy, industrious and beautiful plant, at least here in grow zone 6b. Last year, I was intending to plant tumeric in some smaller plastic grow bags. Set the bags up with dirt, however became unwell…for the entire summer..& the dirt filled bags just sat where I abandoned them. This spring, Something had started growing in them, but it was Not Turmeric. Turns out my neighbors Rose of Sharon opportunistically used my grow bags for a nursery. I’ve now about a hundred bags of Beautiful Rose of Sharon plants that are doing just fine, entirely unattended So much for My turmeric plans. Now, what to do with This wealth 💁🏻‍♀️perhaps a future property border. 😂 .Your garden is Lovely. Great job! 👌


So incredible!! Thanks for sharing you have created such a beautiful space!!!!


God bless you and your wife, you seem like such a nice couple, you both would be great neighbors!!!


I have 3 blue chiffon planted about 1 year ago. can't wait until i can make them into trees.


How beautiful! I have the same flowers building my rose garden but have kept them separated, but not I will combine them! Gorgeous! Thank you for sharing hugs and love from Texas!


just love the sounds of the birds and nature. so beautiful.


I absolutely love your entire garden! Newly learning about rose of Sharon’s and about to plant my first one, blue chiffon. I too have a love for lots of color & many varieties of plants. My yard is much smaller than yours but I hope one day mine will be a mini version of what you have. Thanks for sharing your yard!


I love your videos! Can you make one about how to propagate a Rose of Sharon and how long it takes to get them in the ground? I saw you had a few in pots in one of your videos. I'm learning and your expertise is much sought after! Thank you.


It will be so awesome if I can get these to grow higher than my shed so they can be seen from the front. 😃


Your gardens are so lovely!
(It’s hard to realize when you’re filming but moving the camera around as quickly as one does one’s eyes makes for a dizzying video which is hard for some of us to watch)! You have piqued my interest in Rose of Sharon standards and I may try to do that myself; I have been successful with hydrangeas.


I recommend you do a video on just shrubs especially the gold colored ones that I think you said in one of your videos you could not remember their names. Anyway, you have a beautiful garden and keep up the good work! 😊


Love your Cleome flowers! I grow in zone 8b, Washington state. My research says that Cleome are perennial on only zone 10&11.
What zone do you grow in? You commented that you planted your seeds years ago & they return each year. I am hoping my research is wrong, because I would love for them to be perennial in my garden!
Thank you!
Your gardens are beautiful♥️♥️


So happy to see your garden! I don't normally like the knockout roses (I call them pretend roses) but they way you have them with the other spring bloomers is really a knockout to look upon. Changed my mind! I see you have the blue hibiscus - been wanting to try it. Yours look so beautiful as small trees. The star in summer is really them combined with the cleome which is gorgeous! I need to try them in my north central FL garden near Gainesville. So glad you posted the update.
