Why Jesus Met Moses & Elijah at the Mount of Transfiguration

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One of the most amazing stories in the scriptures' history is the transfiguration of Jesus. But why did Jesus have to meet Elijah and Moses at the Mount of Transfiguration?

Following his revelation to his disciples of his true identity, this momentous occasion took place. transporting them to Caesarea Phillipi. About 25 miles to the north of the Sea of Galilee is where it is situated.They came at a shrine dedicated to honoring Augustus, the Roman Emperor. It is thought that Jesus inquired about people's perceptions from his followers at this momentous site.

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Why Jesus Had to Meet Moses and Elijah at the Mount of Transfiguration | Bible Mysteries Resolved
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May God bless every person reading this. May you overcome that sin that is holding you back from going deeper with God.😊


Jesus met Moses and Elijah at the mount of transfiguration in order to discuss the expectations of them - as each fulfilled their role as prophet.
Neither Moses nor Elijah truly finished their ministry. Hence, their both being taken up to Heaven and held in temporary abeyance. They descended to be with Christ BEFORE His crucifixion, in expectation that they were to resume their ministry in what they believed was to be the fulfilment of the 70th Week as outlined in the prophecy given to Daniel, where God completes His promises to the Jewish people: Israel.
This proved to be a premature action. Christ was REJECTED by the Jewish leaders... and so, while He most certainly was to be crucified for our sins, the progression to Daniel's 70th was postponed. Instead, as the Disciples learned at the Mount of Ascension, a new dispensation was to be initiated; where the Gospel was to be preached to the Gentiles.
However, there still remains one last Week where God's promises must be fulfilled. This corresponds exactly with the Tribulation Week and is yet to occur. For it to commence, the Church Age must end. This necessitates removal of the Church from Earth... leaving the agency of Jewish witnesses for God to stand-in for the work of the Holy Spirit; one last period of 7 years where Israel (and the world) are again under the Law.


Moses and Elijah were loyal Princes of Heaven whom Christ trusted to oversee the period when He would be incarnated in a physical body and thus limited in His spiritual perception due to the filtering of human flesh. They operated from Paradise, the closest part of Christ's Kingdom to earth and had vast number of angels at their disposal to ensure that the final stage of God's Plan of Redemption proceeded to schedule. As the time for Jesu's showdown with Satan approached it was necessary to provide Jesus with a final briefing regarding the events that were about to occur. This is the principle reason the meeting on Mount Tabor took place. It also served to strengthen the resolve of His closest disciples and the added benefit of God also putting in one of His rare appearances served to bolster everyone's courage for the terrible events that would happen.
