How Real is Virtual Reality?

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How do you define what's real and what's not? Is Virtual Reality just the next generation of gaming technology, or is it something more? With the help of the HTC Vive we take a look at the science behind Virtual Reality, and how its able to trick our brains into thinking that we're somewhere else.
Special thanks to our brave test subjects:
Mary Zee, Kathryn Grover, Peter Weiland and Sam Grant, and to Peter Borah and Jake G for supplying the gear and expertise
Check them out online:
Special Thanks to our Awesome Patreon Supporters:
Taylor Becker, SR Foxley, Nathan J. Reid, Margaret Hutz, Zerke Dodson, Brayden Butler, Sam McCartney, Max, Colin Young, Joseph Hegeman, Ashley Beranek, Yoselin Gallegos, Andrew Arrabaca, Jeff Brice, Matt Altieri, Torstein, Jeremy Nauta, Chris Hicks, Lars Herrmann
►Follow us on instagram: goodstuffshow
Video Credits
CloudGate Studio Full Body Awareness:
The Matrix, Warner Bros., 1999
The Wizard, Universal Pictures, 1989
The Rubber Hand Illusion
Horizon: Is Seeing Believing? BBC Two
Is That My Real Hand? (feat. Paul Giamatti)
National Geographic
Rubber Hand Illusion
New Scientist
Phantom Limb Mirror Box, KCTS
Feel Like You Have Three Arms
New Scientist
Music Credits:
Chorus Complains by Driftless Pony Club
Disco Party by Aries Beats
Special thanks to our brave test subjects:
Mary Zee, Kathryn Grover, Peter Weiland and Sam Grant, and to Peter Borah and Jake G for supplying the gear and expertise
Check them out online:
Special Thanks to our Awesome Patreon Supporters:
Taylor Becker, SR Foxley, Nathan J. Reid, Margaret Hutz, Zerke Dodson, Brayden Butler, Sam McCartney, Max, Colin Young, Joseph Hegeman, Ashley Beranek, Yoselin Gallegos, Andrew Arrabaca, Jeff Brice, Matt Altieri, Torstein, Jeremy Nauta, Chris Hicks, Lars Herrmann
►Follow us on instagram: goodstuffshow
Video Credits
CloudGate Studio Full Body Awareness:
The Matrix, Warner Bros., 1999
The Wizard, Universal Pictures, 1989
The Rubber Hand Illusion
Horizon: Is Seeing Believing? BBC Two
Is That My Real Hand? (feat. Paul Giamatti)
National Geographic
Rubber Hand Illusion
New Scientist
Phantom Limb Mirror Box, KCTS
Feel Like You Have Three Arms
New Scientist
Music Credits:
Chorus Complains by Driftless Pony Club
Disco Party by Aries Beats