How Real is Virtual Reality?

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How do you define what's real and what's not? Is Virtual Reality just the next generation of gaming technology, or is it something more? With the help of the HTC Vive we take a look at the science behind Virtual Reality, and how its able to trick our brains into thinking that we're somewhere else.

Special thanks to our brave test subjects:
Mary Zee, Kathryn Grover, Peter Weiland and Sam Grant, and to Peter Borah and Jake G for supplying the gear and expertise

Check them out online:

Special Thanks to our Awesome Patreon Supporters:
Taylor Becker, SR Foxley, Nathan J. Reid, Margaret Hutz, Zerke Dodson, Brayden Butler, Sam McCartney, Max, Colin Young, Joseph Hegeman, Ashley Beranek, Yoselin Gallegos, Andrew Arrabaca, Jeff Brice, Matt Altieri, Torstein, Jeremy Nauta, Chris Hicks, Lars Herrmann

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Video Credits

CloudGate Studio Full Body Awareness:

The Matrix, Warner Bros., 1999

The Wizard, Universal Pictures, 1989

The Rubber Hand Illusion
Horizon: Is Seeing Believing? BBC Two

Is That My Real Hand? (feat. Paul Giamatti)
National Geographic

Rubber Hand Illusion
New Scientist

Phantom Limb Mirror Box, KCTS

Feel Like You Have Three Arms
New Scientist


Music Credits:

Chorus Complains by Driftless Pony Club

Disco Party by Aries Beats

Рекомендации по теме

If our mind can be fooled into thinking the Vive is reality, who's to say we're not already being fooled by this reality?


One of my favourite parts of VR is the memories. Thinking back is so cool, because you think back on it as
Being present in the world.
Flat screen video games on the other hand, you remember looking at a screen and using a controller or a mouse and keyboard. But in VR, you remember your body being in an area where it actually wasn't.
I remember controlling time in Super Hot. I remember shooting zombies in Arizona Sunshine. I remember fighting in a war in Onward. And I think it's truly amazing that the mind is still tricked to that level.


One of the most terrifying, but coolest moment was when I was driving of a cliff in Dirt Rally. It really felt like I was sitting in a falling car, because when you are falling in VR, you are still standing on the ground. But when you are driving, you are sitting on a chair which really feels like a car seat. So yeah, I drove over cliffs and into things in high speed over and over again just because of the interesting feeling.


Okay guys. this is legit top quality content.


I actually saved up my limited college student money for a year, and got a Vive set up in my little dorm room. I had to throw out some furniture to get space, but it was worth it imo, I wasn't using that cupboard anyway. Also, people want to come over a lot more often now!


KSP music! You can't hide from me!


"and even terror" - honestly, I have a feeling that's one of the simplest feelings to generate. As already demonstrated by the simplicity of the rubber hand illusion.


Can confirm, VR is awesome.
I hope VR arcades become a thing here in the states; not only could it be the return of arcades in a way which would revitalize the industry possibly to the greatness of the arcade golden age, but it's also perfect for people who want to try VR but can't spend a couple thousand on the Vive and computer rig.

After seeing and even falling for so many gimmicks in gaming [motion controls, Kinect, etc.] VR is truly something new and amazing. You HAVE to experience it to understand!


"I kept walking into the wall" - yall know there is the Chaperone system that you can trace your room with, right?


This video does a pretty good job at explaining why the VR "feels" real, even if you still need to wear a headset and the graphics aren't photorealistic. I've been playing the Vive ever since launch, but I still unintentionally do things like attempt to lean against virtual objects or forget that I can move through objects in VR.


Another cool thing is Dolby Atmos, which advances the use of science on sonics in VR by incorporating overhead speakers, (7.1.4 surround) which adds another plane of sound, which differs from normal surround that operates on a linear plane only, which means you can fine tune the acoustics in VR without phony processing, which will in turn revolutionize how recordings can be produced and adds another dimension to how sounds can be manipulated, for instance a rocket launching into space above your head or the wind dipping into a canyon or you could just use it to be live at a concert in VR someday and visualize the cheap seats clapping giving you a truer theater experience which I'm sure will happen once all the musical geniuses out there get hold of it. Speaking of which, David Byrne did an art piece about virtual reality recently that impressed me, there's a video about it on YouTube for fans of his.


This was a really entertaining video. Great stuff!


Been a vive owner since July of 2016. Best purchase I've ever made in my life. I've started using photogrammetry to bring my real-life objects into VR (through Unity SDK) and ordered a few of the trackers to make my 3D prints physically real too!
If you are considering to get into VR, you can try to find a microsoft store near you to try it out (if you are impatient), otherwise, buy one! I don't know a single Vive owner that remotely regrets their purchase.
The nay-sayers are just salty peasants. Don't listen to them.


The real problem with VR is my anxiety of no one wearing the wrist straps.


the first time I tried VR, I got somewhat confused when they took off the headset and I realized I wasn't in the VR world, even though I consioucly knew that it was fake


though VR sounds great right now. It still has a long way to go. Still too expensive for the average person. Not to mention the game library is full of so called "Tech demo" experiences. I would personally wait a few years before I jump in.


Just so people know, the Oculus Rift does room-scale, too, just like the Vive. I have it and works great!

While I personally prefer the Rift, both headsets are amazing and quite similar overall. Definitely give each one a try before you buy, to see which you prefer. Either way, you can't go wrong. True VR is an incredible experience!


VR requires positional sensing (6DOF) plus a virtual world modeled in 3D.


Would love to be able to access Google Earth Street View this way and walk through some of the world's beautiful nature.


Huh... Wasn't expecting such a thorough review.. Nicely done...
