PHUKET - 5 NEW SCAMS in 2023!!

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In this video, I talk about the NEW Scams that are happening in Phuket and all of Thailand in 2023!! You have heard of all the classic scams, but this is completely different!! Check out the latest scams happening in Phuket, Thailand!!

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Unqualified fortune tellers as opposed to qualified fortune tellers? Yeah we don't want scammers in this industry.


i just experienced a scam at a seafood restaurant. we choose a bunch of fresh prawns at a very cheap price, they sent to to the kitchen to cook it in steamed style. it came out fried, and i immediately knew they changed the prawns to bad ones..fried to cover the smell. when u ask, they will say it’s a mistake and will give a discount for the dish.


I was in Pattaya June 2022, and I needed to go to Si Racha hospital 🏥 for an appointment! I booked a bolt taxi 🚖 and When it turned up it was a different truck and driver, He wanted double the fixed price! 300 Baht suddenly became 600 Baht! So I reported him and re ordered another one! Was there 5 minutes later ! But this scam does happen! 🇦🇺🇦🇺


When I visited in 2012, I loved the taxi driver we found. We negotiated a great price for the full day. He took us everywhere we asked, and made sure we were okay and safe at all times. We did give him a decent tip afterwards as well for being a great tour guide as well.


Thank you!!! Straight to the point…. I didn’t have to fast forward (like I did the other videos that wait until the last 30 seconds to provide useless information)… Thank you!!!🙏🏾


The bolt scam happens everywhere in SE Asia. I just tell them the reason to use the app is you don't need cash. I don't use the cash option. They only get what's charged to my card. Period.


Both times I (tried) to use BOLT on Phuket I had problems. Particularly bad when trying to get to the airport in the morning. Several attempts, cancel by driver or just not showing up, lost 15 minutes until a good samaritan took care for me and I saved nothing. Much better experience in Pattaya.


Also make sure you have small bills when paying cash for Bolts. So often they’ll tell you they don’t have change on your 1000 bill for a 600-700 drive


Not that I would be visiting Thai, I still found your information very interesting.
Thank you for putting it up to protect tourist Who would get trapped with these scams.


#2: ALL so-called fortune tellers are a scam. I still can’t believe that it’s 2023 and people still fall for them


I'd be so exhausted just trying to avoid the scams I'd need a holiday in a place like Geneva.


Probably one of the most common sense videos I've seen in ages. I have to admit, I had no idea about the Bolt scam, but maybe its not prevalent in Bangkok. I've never had an issue with them. The Indian lucky man scam has been going on for ever. They stop you in the street point at you and stare you in the eyes and say "you are a very lucky man, you want to know why". My response is always "if I was a lucky man I wouldn't have you trying to rip me off c**t!" then I walk off.


I hate to admit it, but I fell victim to number 5. I just unfriended them immediately and stopped talking... Nothing ever came of their threats. Definitely learned my lesson.


Was in Patong for the last 2 weeks in Bangkok now and head back to Sydney tonight. Another scam in Bolt was after you book it the driver hits you up through the chat asking for a higher price to pay for gas or because of traffic.
Also outside Bolt the motorbike taxis tell you 100 baht in Patong and then once you’re on the bike driving they say 200 baht because there’s too much traffic. Unbelievable


This man’s doing some important work here ❤


I had one of those Indian palm readers come up to me in BKK. I was just sitting down, a little sleep deprived and minding my own business. I was polite with him for a few minutes, but finally I just got up and just walked away and told him I wasn’t interested. So annoying! Do people really fall for this?! 🤬


Most of this stuff has been around for quite awhile. The Bolt thing is disconcerting. Just shows no matter what people will try to find a way to scam you. I would never get in a bolt car that doesn't match what I ordered, especially in Thailand which is a country where I have seen more scams than pretty much anywhere else in the world.


Bolt and Indriver are the apps to use for travel. Pretty easy to tell the driver you're not paying them a baht over the price agreed in the app, although I understand the awkwardness of being in their car and being asked to pay more. At least it's not Bangkok where you're hard pressed to get a cab using the metre, but the taxi mafia in Phuket is real.


Great advice on all counts! Lot's of fun to be had in Thailand but also lot's of opportunities for your fun to be ruined, play safe everyone!!


The fortune-teller scam has been around for decades. Never seen anyone but Indian guys doing the walk-up version. I first saw it in Bangkok in the early '80s. The guy walked up to me and said, "You very lucky man, I can tell..." Even then I could smell something fishy...I did fall for the "Grand Palace closed for Buddhist holiday" scam, but didn't get in the tuk-tuk, just went back to the Nana Hotel, and spent a nice afternoon punting...not much new under the Sun, except technology presenting new ways to pull old scams.

If you've been there for two years, you should be reading/speaking Thai by now. If not, get started. Thailand has a lot more to offer than Patong, and Thai language is the key to opening the door...
