Poll Shows That Even Republicans Hate Republican Policies

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A new survey has revealed some shocking information for Republicans: Even their own base hates their plans. Specifically, the survey was asking about the “concepts of a plan” that Republicans have for healthcare, and Republican voters overwhelmingly reject nearly every aspect of what Republicans have proposed. But it isn’t just healthcare – Republicans are also against the idiotic economic plans that their own Party is proposing. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what’s happening.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

It turns out that even Republican voters don't like Republican policies because Republican policies are downright awful when they exist. Of course, for the most part, the Republican Party in the United States has no actual plans. You know, as Trump admitted during the presidential debate, they have concepts of a plan, but they don't have any real ideas on what to do. So Data for Progress decided to do a new survey on the things that Republicans have kind of proposed, basically their concepts of a healthcare plan. And it turns out that an overwhelming number of Republican voters, a vast majority of them, reject nearly every single thing that Republicans want to do to healthcare. So here it is allowing insurers to deny coverage or charge people more if they have preexisting conditions. That is something that Republicans have suggested, and it is rejected by more than 60% of voters, including Republicans.

A majority of Republicans stopping Medicare from having the ability to negotiate lower drug prices. Well, 57% of the General Republic rejects that, and, uh, a majority of Republicans reject it, allowing health insurance company to charge higher premiums to individuals who let their health coverage lapse. 49%, a plurality reject that, and a plurality of Republican voters reject it as well. The list goes on and on. Um, it decreasing funding for public healthcare programs. Plurality don't like that, and a plurality of Republicans don't like that. They do want the government, believe it or not, to actually pay for some healthcare programs. The point is this, even the people who go to the voting booth every year, every two years and vote Republican down the line, they look at the policies of these people and say, man, that sucks. Boy, I hate this. These people, I am, you know, filling in the arrow for they are just god awful.

But, uh, I'm doing it. Why? Because that's how tribal you are, because that's what you think you should be doing. 'cause you just hate Democrats that much. You don't even like your own party and you're still putting these people back into power. Every time you go to the voting booth, the polls prove you don't like these ideas. You don't like Donald Trump's tax plan. You don't like his tariffs, you don't like your own party's trickle down economics anymore. According to the polls. What you do like when there's no political party attached to it are things like a government run healthcare system where you have no cost at point of service. You like the idea of saving the environment. Polls show that when there are not political parties or

Politicians tied to ideas, the majority of the country is super progressive. But once you start attaching political parties to it, these Republicans say, oh, hell no, no, no, no. I may not like what my party's doing, but I don't want these things that I like a second ago because now I know they're Democrat plans. It's stupid. We're a country of morons. Like we, we just are generally, when you put us all together, we're all dumb. But here's the kicker. It's not just Republican voters that don't like Republican policies because apparently there are some very high profile Republican lawmakers that are also speaking out against their party's own policies. And that happens to be coming from none other than Mitch fricking McConnell himself. Earlier this week when Donald Trump proposed putting a 200% tariff on John Deere, uh, tractors, Mitch McConnell came out, came out and said this former President Trump has proposed a 200% tariff on John Deere tractors if they're made in Mexico.
Рекомендации по теме

Vote for whats right and moral..not party!😢


This is what happens when you let a bunch of rich nihilists write up your policy platform.


"If you let Republican reactionaries get complete control of this gov’t, the position of labor will be so weakened that I would fear, not only for the wages and living standards of the American workingman, but even for our Democratic institutions.”
— Harry Truman
Detroit, 1948.


Too bad people don't vote for what they actually believe in and want in their life. It is more important to "own the libs".


A slim minority want it their way and are not willing to concede that majority rules.


Be sure you vote, they might not be smart but the cults are somewhat organized


Tip idea: Ask those small entrepreneurs to tell their story about how the Trump organization has not paid its bills.😢


Looney Loomer is waiting for you when you get home. She won’t be ignored, Donald.


But my Daddy voted for them, and his Daddy did, and his Daddy.... and I don't have the brains to make up my own mind so I will too...


We don’t need Trumpism. We need worker co-ops🗳️&💙unions normalized, a habitable🌎, universal healthcare, lgbtq rights & Roe codified🇵🇸🕊️Ⓐ☭🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️💫


The Republicans do not want you to think. Just do it. Thinking for your self is not allowed.


If common sense was a drug, this country needs to OD on it now!


Don't forget, every Republican, almost without exception considers Trump to be an intelligent and wise politician.


Very weird to this Australian. One does not have to register as an anything. I look, see what the policies are and the way they are leaning, and vote accordingly. The heck with the party. The policies and the capability of the party to follow through. Usually, though, our Labour party is kind to citizens, and has the best eye to humanity


Vote for the blue yes 💙 and Florida 💙 and Texas 💙 Ohio are going to win the blue 💙 🙌 😀 😎 👍 👏 💙 god help us if Trump wins we need to vote


Real Republicans need to take their party back from MAGA, or start a new party.


Looney Loomer’s mental state proves the poll is spot on.


People who vote for trump will have no programs. The people who get assistance can kiss that good bye


Trump likes tariffs because it has the word riff in it. That's what he likes to do. He will riff on anyone subject all day long as long as he doesn't have to sit down and take the time to learn the issue enough to make intelligent comment.


The line from Men In Black said it best.
"A person is smart. People are dumb panicky dangerous animals and you know it."
