Should Congress Pass President Biden’s Tech Agenda?

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In a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed, President Biden outlined an ambitious legislative agenda for Congress to tackle alleged shortcomings of “Big Tech.” Key among these are creating a federal privacy law, reforming Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, and increasing competition in the tech sector. Each of these is a complicated issue that legislators have been working on for years, some with more success than others (as ITIF noted in a commentary piece reacting to the president’s op-ed). To what extent is President Biden’s legislative agenda desirable, let alone politically feasible? Are the two parties too far apart or does a closely divided Congress provide a unique opportunity for bipartisan compromise? And if there is a compromise, what should it look like to protect consumers, limit compliance costs, and foster innovation and competitiveness?

View ITIF's discussion about the merits and prospects of President Biden’s tech agenda in the 118th Congress.

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