Orfit's precut gauntlet thumb post orthosis (Orfilight Black NS) - Splinting Techniques 3/10
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The primary purpose of the short opponens orthosis, also commonly known as a short thumb spica or basal joint orthosis is to immobilize the thumb carpometacarpal (CMC) and metacarpo-phalangeal (MP) joints to allow for healing, rest, and /or protection of the involved structures. This demonstration features Orfit's precut gauntlet thumb post orthosis. This short thumb opponens orthosis can also improve functional use of the thumb by proper positioning of the thumb in slight opposition. While molding, have the patient lightly oppose the thumb to the index finger tip. This design works well for CMC or MP joint arthritis, thumb ulnar and radial collateral ligament injuries, and low median nerve injuries. This precut design features use of the thinnest material possible, yet still provides the required strength to immobilize the joints.