um, WTF is happening to our men...?!

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We all know how damaging the female beauty standards are for us women these days, and cant actually be met by nature. But until now - men haven't been held to the same standard. Now? These unrealistic beauty standards has trickled down to our men, and even naturally handsome men are feeling the pressure to surgically alter their looks to fit the male ideal.
Botox, facelifts, filler and buccal fat removal - fake tan, brow grooming and anti ageing skincare. Cosmetic procedures and routines are becoming big business for men, but it begs the question; is it necessary? Or is it all leading towards the male beauty standard becoming as problematic for men, as the beauty standards are for women? Let's hope not!
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I'm worried about beauty standards homogenizing people's faces. Honestly it'd be pretty boring if everyone ends up with same jaw, no buccal fat, no hooded eyes and same nose.


The question here is: whats happening to our WORLD? Its a world of insecurities and too much, way too much social media.


You should have also added K-pop men. They go into plastic surgery at a very young age and end up looking similar. (No, I'm not being racist, I'm Asian myself) they do look very similar because of all sorts of plastic surgery. Normal Asian men without any plastic surgery don't look anything like these idols. Plastic surgery is getting extremely common in Asia.


I feel so sad for Liam, I still remember all the hurtful and body-shaming comments he received through his career, and how this even made him develop an eating disorder overtime.

I hope he gets to know one day how beautiful he is inside and out. 💜🥺😔


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make more of these! My husband (33) is always comparing himself to others. And I would love to show him more videos like this so he can know how handsome he naturally is. It’s so sad to see the person you love struggle to love themselves 💔


I'm tired of celebrity worship and knowing it will never go away. We need to showcase talented people in touch with reality because sh*ts getting weird quick. Simon's face looks melted and the comment his kid made is sad.


Crazy thing about Liam Payne and Zac Efron is that they HAD strong jaws. It really points to the pressure that absolutely skews our own view of our bodies.

I haven’t noticed any of the men I know feeling enough pressure to go in for extensive skin care/beauty routines, and definitely not fillers and surgery. But with the rise of such things in the celebrity world, I worry that a trickle down effect is imminent.


Zac really pushed the limits and went beyond. He had such a gorgeous and unique look before he went through all of that.


Society is literally turning into a scifi novel. Who knew scott westerfield would be right. The series the pretties is literally becoming reality. Everyone wants a pretty surgery.


As man in my 40s, what I find most astounding is that many younger men and women now describe themselves as “old” once they hit 30! I can only speak for myself, but found that I looked much better in my 30s than I ever did in my 20s. Obviously I did the basic stuff like had a skincare routine and exercised but nothing to the point of extreme. This need to have your face look like an IG filter in real life is crazy.

I also think people don’t take into account the insane body standards that today’s young men hold themselves to. Unless you happen to be genetically blessed, trying to get your body to look like your favorite Marvel actor is near impossible without tons of time and money. The fact that most of these actors only maintain their super shredded bodies until movie filming ends should tell you something.


The story of Simon’s son is so sad! That would be awful to not recognize your parent or think something happened to them😢


I hate that we are becoming so far removed from our natural looks. I feel so strongly about it that I stopped wearing makeup more than once or twice a year because I hated that I had become so used to the makeup that I thought my natural face was ugly. It really saddens me to see men going down this same path.


OMG, I am seriously insecure about myself. My family always told me I'm the ugly child growing up and your videos actually make me normalize my body and feel comfortable the way i look. Thank you so much for making this content and making the video about men as well.


There’s also this thing happening in the fitness community with men that’s def body dysmorphic. Like there’s nothing wrong with wanting a chiseled physique and to be healthy and lift or work out, but I’ve seen guys who are by all account big complaining that they’re small and should start juicing. There’s def a lot of beauty standard trauma amongst men and women


It’s so weird how much we promote diversity yet we only allow one beauty standard at a time.


I think culture has done this. When we have "dating" apps where you swipe left or right based totally on a picture, physical appearance becomes increasingly more important. Our expectations for each other's looks has also gone up. We see filtered pictures all the time and that image is becoming ingrained in our minds as normal. I think people labeling Margot Robbie as a "Mid" is evidence of this.
I hope in a few years everyone says enough is enough and we have a renaissance where personality, intelligence, and talents will make people the most attractive. Things feel very shallow right now, but I'm hopeful for change.


as a teen, I've witnessed so many boys who try to gain weight but can't, no matter how much they eat. at school, they get shamed for being too skinny, but at home their parents tell them to eat less so they "don't get used to" that lifestyle. the contradictions become so confusing, that it not only leads to an eating disorder, but so much more.


Zack Efron looks like he is mid 50’s in the after pictures. The procedures aged him sooo much


My heart honestly was shattered when I saw Efron reveal his new face. He’s always talked about how he hates training so hard for roles and how it is dangerous for men to eat and drink so little just for the optimum muscle definition. He has been open about the pressure male celebrities also have- even if it’s not severe as women- and people shrugged him off because “he’s hot” which is EXTRA salt on the wound. Zac Efron was one of the most wanted men and if he felt he wasn’t masculinely handsome enough for people to take him seriously is just horrifying.

After that, male cosmetic surgery has been more rampant. Even though it existed before it was more subtle cause men wanted to keep it even more hidden since cosmetic surgery was “a woman’s thing”


Liam & Zac’s transformation actually break my heart
