Cubase 12 MIDI Remote Eng

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Keyboards - Studio Recording - Music Equipments

Tihomir Misic - Facebook kontakt
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Any way to import/export customized mapping that I've done within a VST instrument, (like Cutoff, Resonance, etc). I lose those when I go to a new project. (Not the Focus QC's--those are retained, but there's no way to export/import mapping for parameters WITHIN an instrument).... ??


Jako dobar video. Svaka čast. Ja imam problem sa spajanjem Reaper programa. Midi postavke su u redu i Reaper svira Midi file-ove na klavijaturi Korg Pa 300. Problem je sto kad na klavijaturi promjenim npr. na Track 1 Bas on radi i svira ok ali kad zaustavim i pokrenem Reaper play opet mi stavi na track u klavijaturi da je empty. Znaci Reaper mi promjeni Program na klavijaturi u blank a ja bi zelio da mi ostane koji ima. Bio bih Vam zahvalan ako imate kakav savjet i želim Vam puno uspjeha.


Good Morning Sir please i need remote bottons to control all my bottons and transport am using Nektar Impact LX88 thank you


Thanks very much for your tutorials. I have both the ZeRO SL MkII and 61SL MkII. I've had some success with AutoMap but after setting up the Cubase 12 Midi Remote I have to press buttons twice to make the selection and this also puts the led lights out of sync. Any suggestions? Thanks again.
