Appium Python Tutorial - Build UICatalog iOS App using Xcode and Open with Appium Desktop Tool

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In this video we will download and build the UICatalog app using Xcode and then install it in our iPhone Simulator by giving app path in Appium GUI tool.

UICatalog app Github link:

Build/Runtime Requirements for UICatalog:

Building this sample requires Xcode 5.0 and iOS 7.0 SDK
Running the sample requires iOS 7.0 or later.

Updated Appium Desired Capabilities with app path:

"platformName": "iOS",
"platformVersion": "10.3",
"deviceName": "iPhone 7",
"noReset": true

Appium Desktop for Mac installation process explained in this video:

Follow the steps in this video to fix: "Error: Could not find app at" error
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