SCP-144 Tibetan Rope to Heaven - Reaching for Enlightenment... Or Something Else?

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This SCP foundation wiki reading is about SCP 144 "Tibetan Rope to Heaven". Located in a monastery atop a small Tibetan mountain, SCP-144 is a thin, taut hempen rope, only 1.2 cm thick, attached to a ring of jade bound to the floor of an atrium in the temple (known as "Base Camp" amongst researchers). The other end of SCP-144 extends straight upward many kilometers up into the sky to a yet-to-be-explored satellite in geostationary orbit above the Earth at an altitude of about 39 km (over 22 miles away, known as "the Summit" amongst researchers).

Several times a year, a monk of the temple ascends up the rope several hundred meters in a ritual of spiritual enlightenment. The monks report that to this day, only one person by the name of [DATA EXPUNGED] has ever been killed during the ascension. Throughout the centuries, several climbers have disappeared, yet the monks believe that one day they will return, bringing greater understanding and enlightenment with them.

Carbon dating of rope fibers put SCP-144 at just over 1400 years old. Foundation anthropologists believe that the rope and the tradition of climbing it began within the rituals of an ancient, dead religion before Emperor Songtsän Gampo brought Buddhism to Tibet. At that time, it is believed that the rope was several kilometers longer. The attendant monks say that the jade ring was added in the early 9th century by the Ralpacan to keep seasonal winds from picking up the rope and swinging it throughout the country side. Several times a year, the head monks untie the rope from the loop of jade and reposition the knot. Research has shown that in recent years, the rope has moved skyward at a rate of about 180 cm per year and is slightly accelerating at a rate of a hundredth of a centimeter/year². With only a few hundred meters of rope left, the monks are unsure of what do to when it reaches the end. Some hope to add length by attaching separate sections of rope to the original, while others believe that new rope won't have the strength of the old.

Written by FritzWillie

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

#scp #scpfoundation #eastsideshow #creepypasta #eastsideshowscp #heaven

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This SCP is the first of a few proper remakes from the Season 1 era! I have provided the original to patreon supporters as a free download! To join my patreon please check out the links below in this comment! If there is some scps you would like to see me remake from season 1 let me know! I have a few others in mind


*The thumbnail reminds me of that one episode of Spongebob where he and Patrick climbed that chain to the ghost ship.*


Id like to imagine the 1 d class who hadnt returned was just chilling up in the heavens laughing at the foundation.


As a Taoist I personally enjoy this one. Good work, I should write my own.


*Good thing my middle and high schools never had to make us climb rope.*


I wonder if this SCP was based on that story where a thief climbing up the rope to reach the heaven, he was a nice and kind guy in the past, until he got killed or something and get sended to hell. Buddha feel pity for him because he was nice and caring in his life so Buddha decide to give him the rope so he could climb up on the rope to escape hell. but as he climbing the rope, all the denizens of hell also climbing the rope to escape hell, the thief then become arrogant and selfish by telling everyone that this rope was only for him and no one should climb it except him. After he say the Buddha decide to cut the rope off, sending him back to hell for being a cruel and selfish, guess that guy was who fall was based on that guy


A rope or tower to heaven has been a theme in many eastern beliefs for long time. This is cool. I'd try.


This is the earliest I've ever been to one of your videos. Also I love your channel. Keep up the good work! 👍🏾👌🏾


And here I thought that Hemp wasn't supposed to get you high . . . (I regret nothing!!)


Love the end credit music, at this point it's like your theme


What's your personal favorite SCP?


I don’t know why, but I swear I’ve heard more SCPs with Tibetan and Chinese descent and origin than from any other nation.


I guess none of them thought about building a gondola like machine and just going up there.


Seenot all SCPs have to be worldending terrors.
Wierdness is more than enough.


What if i use the modern warfare warzone rope climber what you use in the elevators?


That rope is actually attached to the Flying Dutchman


Hey, I'm loving your SCP videos, but i have a request/suggestion: I find it quite hard and very distracting to listen to you talking while your video is also displaying other text about shown images on screen. My suggestion would be to instead, in addition to the pictures, display the SCP entry text on screen. The SCP channel "TheVolgun" uses such a format and i find it much more easier to follow (listening and reading the SCP entry at the same time). If you want to insert text+speech in the middle to elaborate about a picture you could do that, too, it'd give the video a "university-feel", where the teacher pauses his textbook speeches and elaborates on a picture before returning to reading from the textbook.
Just a suggestion to make your videos better. Keep up the good work! :D


Who made the piano riff? It's really cool


What the hell was the name of that one house that spawned like really hard to kill zombies that a D-Class went fucking Rambo on and terminated


I think this was based off of a nylon line hanging over New Jersey. Whaaat?
