Why We See The White Light Near Death

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No one truly knows what happens when we die, but chances are you've heard about the 'white light' that people sometimes see when they've had a near death experience. So is that evidence of an afterlife, or is something else goin' on? Laci explains.

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Surge of neurophysiological coherence and connectivity in the dying brain
"The brain is assumed to be hypoactive during cardiac arrest."

Electrical signatures of consciousness in the dying brain
"A University of Michigan animal study shows high electrical activity in the brain after clinical death."

How Near-death Experiences Work
"Science cannot ultimately explain why some people have near-death experiences. That's not to say that current scientific explanations are incorrect, but NDEs are complex, subjective and emotionally charged."

'Near death' has biological basis
"Near death experiences appear to have a biological explanation, research suggests."

Understanding How the Brain Works to Provide Spatial Awareness
"Have you ever wondered where humans get their sense of direction? Some of us would say it is a learned process and we are are taught this, while others would say that is instinct and an ancient survival mechanism."

Has science explained life after death?
"In 1991, Atlanta, Ga. resident Pam Reynolds had a near-death experience (NDE). Reynolds underwent surgery for a brain aneurysm, and the procedure required doctors to drain all the blood from her brain."

Near-Death Experiences May Not Be Evidence Of An Afterlife, Rather A Surge In Brain Activity
"Near-death experiences (NDEs) have been described by many as proof of the afterlife - intense white light, hallucinations of dead loved ones talking to them, angels and so on. Now, a slightly less romantic but more scientifically sound explanation has emerged - the brain experiences a surge of activity shortly before death."

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Nah, you get a kill cam and you respawn in 7 seconds.


I had a NDE in 2007. I don't remember anything for 3 weeks in a coma exept for it. It was darkness and I couldn't feel any part of my body but I was walking around and was trying to feel around me but nothing could be felt. I started running hoping to run into anything because I started to get scared. I knew I was dead but couldn't remember how. I couldn't remember my family except my great grandmother who died when I was around 7 I knew I was being watched and felt powerless and had no control of anything. I said god don't let me die, I have a son one the way. This was said without actually using words. I then saw a orb of light and I somehow felt/knew it was my great grandmother then more orbs floated around and a very small light appears and grows huge and then I'm laying in a hospital bed. I thought about it and debated if I was dreaming because wasn't told I flat lined until a month later because of Lossing 4-5 pints of blood made my heart stop. I remember this more then I can remember what happened yesterday.


I was the happiest ever during my NDE. I fell in a coma after a car accident and lost way too much blood. I was comatose for 15 days and non conscious for a further 2 months. During this time I had a vision of love that lasted 11 months. I was happier than I've ever been. No doctor has been able to explain that.


I had a similar experience. After a car accident I almost died. I felt calmer and I could see some sort of a light infront of me. I’m not sure if I was hallucinating or not but I also saw a man standing in-front of the light.


i've been through that experience before. tunnel, light, detachment from body, comfortable sensation, the whole works, sounds like a pretty typical case. the only thing i learned from it was that i'm ok with death. that state of being was better than any state i've experienced while i've been alive at least, so that's a plus. looking forward to my return trip.


I don't fear death, but I fear the pain I must go through.


the fact that you said everybody either sees a bright light or a dark tunnel is enough proof for me that there is life after death because everyone wouldnt be seeing the same thing if it was just hallucinations


I saw a documentary where somebody who was born blind from birth had a near-death experience, and was able to see while out of the body, they were able to describe the people in the room in the hospital, and prove that they had sight temporarily, there are numerous reports of blind people being able to see while having a near-death experience out of the body, that debunks what you are trying to say on your video, how is the brain causing a blind person to see? explain how a blind person can describe with perfect accurate detail their environment, and prove what they saw was real and what happened was real, most likely it is both that are actually true, the brain probably does go into overdrive, but there are, still other factors that are not being taken into consideration.


My papa who sadly died a couple of years ago had a near death experience before i was born. He was in the hospital, had a heart attack, and died, but the doctors managed to bring him back. All he said was "all i saw was a white light and warmth" so I can proudly say, this evidence you state is in fact real!


I died during a back surgery in 1999 from still being awake during it from not enough anesthesia to put me fully under and they started to operate on me. A harrowing experience, but I am glad I had it. It made me look at life and death differently. I had the "euphoric" sensation they describe. It was of extreme love, safety, warmth, like wrapped up in a warm blanket of love. It was amazing. It came FROM the white light - intense white light. The whitest light you ever saw... of energy. If that is "God" or our "maker", it was emitting the feeling of euphoria I was feeling. I knew I was dead persae, but I could still think. I believe our body is just a "shell". Our soul or essence or spirit - whatever you want to call it, lives on after we die. From what I experienced, we leave our body and can go on to another existence. What existence, is not known until you get there personally, as we all have our own path to follow, but if you read a book called "Journey of Souls", it explains what happens to you once you die and leave your body. The surgeon saved me and I came back to life, but I came back and tell people they shouldn't fear death itself. Your body dies, but YOU don't.... you live on....


This host gave me a near death experience


My dad passed away and i just wonder what it's like for him right now in heaven 🙏🏼


OK, but this goes nowhere near explaining the many bizarre (and well documented) near-death experiences where the person, typically a surgical patient, can report what was done or said OUTSIDE the operating theatre DURING his/her surgery when the patient had flatlined. No chemical reaction in the brain can explain how you remember Aunt Edna dropping her spectacles near the coffee machine, or your best pal arguing with a nurse about xyz. There is simply too much shit out there for Kentucky U. to be taking deep bows and patting itself on the back.


People have reported meeting dead relatives at a near death experience, dead relatives they DID NOT KNOW had passed away! How can you explain this? There have been far too many detailed empirical experiences of life after death and I dwell on the word "detailed" to just explain away near death experiences as a last desperate attempt of a brain fighting extinction.


Didn't explain why some people see loved ones that have died before them.


Not so. I died in 1981 and I was fortunate enough to have a family member who worked at the hospital where this happened. She served as a nurse and was in the room. Bright light, yes, but golden/yellow mixed. It was a floating over the room and looking down...being able to see and understand without any emotion. I thought they might have given me some sort of drug, but my relative confirmed that they lost me for several minutes. It was blissful. This experience changed my views of life and death forever. We are eternal souls who are trapped by the physical body. I now believe we are here to bring heaven here to earth by loosing our fears and hate. It is a refinement process where we are to let go of those deep embedded divisional mental attitudes and programming that humanity has endured since our birth here via media, education, religion and the likes. This is how we are trapped through ignorance and manipulation and the Bible is metaphor. I wish to recommend a video Bill Donahue has on Youtube that the Bible is all about the mind. Stay blessed people and spread unity, love and compassion and let go of any of your fears and hate. Good vs Evil is Mind vs Heart! The battle is in our soul/mind. Much love to all.


I held my grandma's hand while she was dying, and I swear I felt an immense peace, and love that I've never felt before. How does someone who is not dying experience that feeling as well?


So technically your body just screams out "YOLO!" and overclocks your whole brain...


I had 2 aneurysm ruptures 2 years ago and I was fully aware of everything I was able to talk, drive, even walk to get to the hospital, but while waiting for my surgery over 24 hours I experienced something different that this girl is talking about, I had my eyes closed because when we have a rupture we can't stand light, so I was in my room by myself and I decided to make peace with the world, my life and God when I was talking to God I felt the peace, the serenity, and even if my eyes were close I was able to see a light kind of like when you close your eyes at the beach and you can see the light rays thru your eyelids, there was no voices just telepathic connection, God was letting me know it was not my time to go, he transmitted peace to me, he told me without a voice that I was going to make it and I was going to be ok without any disability, well here I am after almost 2 years I'm Alive ! Im healthy, I can work, excersise, dance, jump, eat anything, I'm sure they can't explain me what I experience because there is no explanation .


As an atheist I find this well ... kind of beautiful. Its a nice thought that the moment of death, even if that death was caused by something that was painful, is preceded by a sense of calm well-being, a pretty hallucination, and a pleasant, floating sensation. 
Personally I think its another case where the famous Douglas Adam's quote comes in handy: "Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful, without having to believe there are fairies at the bottom of it too?"   Pretty much puts the last nail in the coffin of 'good things religion provides', for me, - if death is, in fact, nice and peaceful, then there's no need to delude people with promises of a comforting afterlife. Just give them the facts - you'll be pretty happy, probably a bit floaty, and basically feel like you are having a really good trip, nothing to fear. 
Also, yet another sign that brains are awesome. "Oh, our existence is about to end? Bummer.... Might as well get high on 'happy'..."
