Is It Time to 'End' Daylight Saving Time?

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--Audience Question: Should we end Daylight Savings Time?

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Broadcast on November 9, 2018
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I hate working indoors all day and it's pitch black when I get off work. I see the sun for like 15 minutes a day


I think it makes more sense to go to Standard Time year-round, rather than going to Daylight Saving Time year-round, partly because going to DST year-round results in the delay of daylight until later in the morning in the late fall and winter months, especially the farther north you go across the country. The arguments made about traffic accidents would also work the other way in regard to the continued darkness as late as 7:45-7:55am in some locales, considering you likely have a relatively higher amount of pedestrian traffic at that time of day compared to the period between 6:00 and 8:00pm (the window in which the sun would set during the summer and fall), given that some people do take public transportation to get to work or school each morning.


Yes ! It should have ended 1945 after the war ended.


I leave for work at 4:30-5:30 so regardless it's always dark when I leave work


Short answer:
Long answer:


Yes, thank you for talking about this.


I voted on a referendum (...forrrr a vote on a referendum, but anyway...) here in CA to end the time change! It's still a step away but I'm very much hoping the state legislature votes to abolish it, once and for all.


So you have the Mr background now with different colors?


If they're talking about doing permanent daylight saving time in Florida I say NO !!! It needs to pick the Eastern Time Zone in all of Florida and do away with central time zone in the the Panhandle as long as sunsets in summer months are at 7:30 and not 8:30


I agree! I live farther into the northeast than Massachusetts and it's pitch dark here already at about 4:35 p.m. it's 6:35 a.m. it's still pitch dark and this makes winter very depressing...


Daylight saving time is for the summer, it does not apply in the winter. Boston is 71 degrees 4 minutes west do the natural time there is 4 hours 44 minutes behind GMT. The time zone is 5 is UTC-5 so the time used in the winter matches best to the natural time. DST is based on the fact that people do not sleep evenly around the midnight i.e. 8 pm to 4 am. However, it makes only sense when the sun rises before or soon after people wake.

Btw there is no s, it is just saving.

Now there are different plans to end it. At least here almost everyone who wants it wants to adopt the winter time all the year as they see it more normal (in the end time is artificial, not natural).

Daylight saving time makes evenings lighter, not darker. That is what the name means. It takes one hour of light in the morning when people sleep and puts it in the evening when people are awake.

The energy saving issues are nonsense. The main issue is just that people want to have more light. In the end of August the sun is up 6:08-19:19 in Boston. Without DST it would be 5:08-18:19. One easily can see that the former is better. In the end of December it is 7:13-16:21. With permanent DST it would be 8:13-17:21. It would still be dark when people go to work. Sure that would not be as bad as here when the sun is up 9:24-15:21. Sunrise at 10:24 would not be that nice.

The distance between the easy coast and the west coast will not change. The distance of NY and LA is 2 hours 57 minutes in time zones.


I completely agree! It's very depressing to have the sun setting at 4/430 . It makes you feel like it's a lot later than it really is, add the cold to that and you never want to leave the house.


It gets dark before 5 PM in NYC. I was raised in Indianapolis, which went on daylight savings tome shortly after I left (2003), but was at the westernmost part of eastern standard time, so it didn't get dark until around 6.


Daylight savings time is just annoying. That's one thing I like about Arizona. They ignore it.


My husband for business reasons definitely wants to get rid of it, and it messes with our pets routine, eating an hour later or early is very confusing to them. We have prefect blue sky’s year round. Though it’s odd here, in the summer it’s brilliantly light from 5 am to 11pm. Almost 17 hours pre day of daylight. Winter, it’s totally pitch black from 5 pm to 7 am which is more then half the day in pitch blackness. Plus, it’s so super freezing cold and meters deep in snow, you feel closed off from the world and stay in doors most of the time. Hibernation, literally.


Yes! Yes! Yes! I despise the time changes. With this modern time, we don't seem to be saving anything since we live in an increasing 24/7 world.


Day light saving time, not savings time. This year, I've decided to personally not fall back, and I'm still getting up at the same time in the morning and going to bed at the same time based on DST.


We've never used daylight savings time in Arizona and it is just beautiful.


YES, End it It’s Depressing and Downright Pitiful on A Human Being. End it 🔥🔥🔥. It’s Evil, End Daylight Satanic Time !!!!


Yes I've been so ticked off for a week now. I go walking in the afternoon or should I say night time now and it blows. I dont go to a gym. I walk around the neighborhood or workout in the garage. I'm outside city limits and there's no street lights so its pitch black.
