Pastor Jerry Eze Tearfully 😭😭😭Discloses Father and What Lead to the Death of His Mother

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Pastor Jerry Eze Tearfully 😭😭😭Discloses Father and What Lead to the Death of His Mother

NB: The pictures in the thumbnail are both pastor Jerry Eze’s. He has never disclosed anyone to be his biological father but God. So, until he grow old God will always remain his father. Hope this explains the thumbnail.

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I see that most people do not read video description before dropping comment. So I have decided to 📌 this post for visibility.

The pictures in the thumbnail are both pastor Jerry Eze’s. He has never disclosed anyone to be his biological father but God. So, until he grow old God will always remain his father. Hope this explains the thumbnail.


Thank you Jesus for bringing me here. It’s not easy to be a single mother especially if it was forced on you😢😢😢. I am encouraged in Christ and I am grateful that God is mindful of me and my situation. I will leave my comment here so that anytime anyone likes my comment, it will remind me that God really cares for me.
Thank you Pastor Jerry for sharing your story 🙏. May God bless your mother wherever she may be right now🙏🙏🙏.


I told my son this when he was 11 years old when he was struggling. I gave my son back to THE LORD, I told him everything he needs, anything I say to him that upsets him or is not true, when I make assumptions, he should tell THE LORD JESUS about and HE will tell me and ask me to apologise. You don’t know how many times, THE LORD asked me to apologise. I also, told him that when he did wrong The LORD will tell me and THE HOLY SPIRIT did reveal it to me.
I taught him how to pray for his exams he passed 11 subjects in GCSE exams. He went for a ceremony at Central Westminster Hall in central London.
He read 1st Class degree with Honours, took a year off he now got a job with a prestigious company and his first salary; shocked his godfather who is a consultant architect.
So, what the Pastor is right! May GOD ALMIGHTY give us the grace to be consistent in our prayers and belief on HIM for HIS mercies sake.


God help me to love my mother, its not easy. Lord bless my mother for me and my children. She has been so wonderful


Pst Jerry no wonder you're so emotional, you're so unique. Thank you for this message.


Pastor Jerry you should write a book on Parenting to help millions of parents struggling with parenting


Amen 🙏
I was sleeping before, but after this massage, I promised myself war against spiritual laziness. Holy Spirit, help me, I 🙏


This got me so emotional today😢 and it remind me of my good mother, and i prayed to be a true mother to my kids


This testimony got me tearing. I was a single mum to a lovely daughter, pastor Jerry thank you for this. You brought dignity and honor to all the godly single women. Thank you for letting us know that God is the greatest father of us all. We are earthen vessels and the oil in us is the presence of God. Night prayers became my food. will encourage all parents to engage in night prayers.


I have seen this a lot never clicked on it thinking it's just stories. I am so glad I clicked on it. I have been so blessed.


Pastor Jerry is so phenomenal. The world has not seen anything yet!! May her soul continue to rest in peace and her memory a blessing🎉


This has a striking resemblance to what I am going through right now. My mum passed on in 2021 after severe illness and I have always been told you have been called to be in the praying ministry, I prayed for her but she still died!!! Now I know I haven't gotten to the height where I can pray out the type of sickness that killed my mum. I am on the praying journey, God I need your help!!!


I can't just watch and pass, without admitting that I've really learnt a whole lot. I'm a teenager who wants to raise not just kids but giants for the Kingdom of God. I pray God visits me in a special way and grant me access to knowledge. We love u Pastor Jerry, we don't take your sacrifices for granted sir.

God bless everyone who is a part of this ministry.❤


wow! This got me tearing up. 😢 😭 God uses his servants as He deems fit. Even though his mum is no more but the seed she planted in him is now bearing fruits. May God accept her soul and give pastor Jerry more oil to lead this generation to the right path I pray oh Lord 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 amen.


God bless this great woman even heaven father give her a special seat 😢I have learnt so much from this teaching and now I know even though my husband left me my children have God as their Father so am blessed 😅My kids are blessed and I have the responsibility to guide them to the right path for a greater destiny in Jesus name . Thank you pastor Jerry ❤


Really touched by this sermon.I wish most churches would have this understanding about single parents


Pst Jerry, Ur words has really encouraged me now as a single parent. God bless you more in this commissions. 😭😭😭 May God bless mothers out there with their prayers, fruits of their labor in Jesus Mighty Name 🙏 Name 🙏🙏


So emotional. Oh Lord, give me the grace to raise my children accordingly in Jesus mighty name amen


I cried and cried God bless all mothers. I can't wait to bring my one and only mother to Toronto and take good care of her by myself 😢 I know God will fulfill my heart's desires


Every day, I cry and pray over my only son, because, its is crazy out there with the social media stuff. My son is 16 years old, and he knows Sunday services are not negotiable. we have to be in church. Lay hands on your children always and speak the word of God over them. Create affirmation that you speak over them at least once a week
