A Patient Describes Her ME/CFS Symptoms - Davenport, Stevens, & VanNess | MedBridge

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If I go grocery shopping, that’s it for the day! Exhausted like crazy.


I notice the cognative problems as my first symptom of over going it too, now that you mention it. Then follows heaviness of arms in my particular case. If i don't stop when that starts happening and rest up, i will crash. However, i can push past the cognative symptoms for a little while without completely crashing.

This illness is a very hard thing figure out, and i think you did a good job answering that question.


I got these symptoms after covid. My heart rate wouldn't come down
If I do too much it effects my brain. My brain feels stuffy, I get confused, I can't remember words, and I get anxious and cry. Exercise makes it worse. My husband thinks I'm just being lazy. He doesn't think anything is wrong with me.


Omg! My heart rate goes up just walking for exercise. I hate ME/CFS


I’m going all through this at the moment. Trying everything with my doctor to get help.


All them symptoms happen to me
With ME and fibromyalgia
with whole body pain, nausea and whole body paralysis just for being a little active like talking to much or out on my power wheelchair for a little
Take a week or weeks to build up little.
Even if I don’t go out and stay in bed I still flare due to sounds smells to many people around me, every symptom get worse, I have to wear ear plugs.
Even if I am driven i still flare.
I cannot be stress emotional or physically


When you can't even keep your eyes open to watch a two minute video 🙋🏾‍♀️


I am living it, with a broken neck C4C5 …I have lost ME ..over 20 yrs … it’s a living hell, I don’t leave my home,
Coping with anything, trauma depression, I spent a lot of time alone. where when this all happened
.I was high functioning just like Martha Stewart, I am a people pleaser my entire life …
I lay in bed, and pray .. please just pain down to3 .. and a good drink of vodka… does help ..
But I will fall, set back, reaching the left arm our to help my fall ..since May 26 ..April
Fighting infection thru my jaw, throat, sinus, gland’s swelling, fatigue.. can’t do a thing.
But my mind just kept runnng on what I need to do ..
65 Nov. Loving in Canada …I was middle class, + now poor poor .. worried about paying for
my meds.


I have a Stomach bug right now...i feel like 💩... 😢


WHat is this 2 day PET thing? I am from the UK. WHat is it supposed to do? I want treatment not tests.


I’ve got twiches & burning my legs I’ve no others I got post viral fatigue could it be that


Me too. I lifted concrete blocks like an idiot and was sweating and palpation. Two days in bed
