5 Tips for Personal Cybersecurity

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A little bit of effort can greatly increase your cyber security. The five tips are:

#1. Rename your phone to something generic.
#2. Use a VPN, especially when using public networks.
#3. Don't re-use passwords.
#4. Use two form factor authentication (2FA) if available.
#5. Create a machine of high trust.
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As someone in cyber security, I was really pleased to see a video on the topic from my go to war topic guy! Not only that but it was really well put for a laymen to understand which can be tough with topics like these.


See, I protect myself, by having extremely outdated equipment that is absolutely archaic and really the connections are so bad that it only works outside when it's raining.


I have a cybersecurity tip for those that setup computers for your older parents or grandparents. On windows setup an admin account separate from their own account (set them as standard user). That way you block any unwanted installs and also reduce number of vulnerabilites that usually target privileged accounts (admin, power user..). I did this for my parents and stopped getting calls about strange things happening on their computer.


I came here to tear this video apart as a security professional. Nailed it, nice work. Thanks for actually talking about VPNs correctly.


Personal cybersecurity is something that should be taught in every school - even as just a semester - because I guarantee with the right teacher showing the right real world examples, it will stick with whoever is in that class for life. And they will therefore pass that knowledge on to others. Individual people are immense soft targets for hacking and need info like this to protect themselves


Good solid tips Ryan, thank you.
My own tip: Lie on as many websites as you can. Don't use your real name, location, DOB, etc etc. Websites get hacked, I don't want hackers having my real info.

And don't respond to data miners, those things that want you to respond such as "Your space alien name is the street name you live on, your mother's maiden name, the name of your first dog, your first car, etc". Those things are data miners that use social fun to get you to give up your data. This data is/was often used as security for websites.


Using a password manager is game changing and probably the best method to protect yourself.


A password manager is imo an amazing tool to prevent reusing passwords without forgetting all of them. It really improved that situation a lot for me.
My second tip is backups, backups, backups. Saves your ass from ransomware and losing all your family photos in a house fire. And backing up to a external hdd attached to your pc helps, but only a little, you're safest if you backup to something on a separate location, like cloud backup or using a nas at a separate location that you can connect to online.


I’m glad you’re getting sponsorships. Well worth their investment in you.


As someone who works as custom support at an ISP, this was a pretty good video on the subject. In my experience, it's mostly iPhones that have the name of their owner, I guess it's in its initial configuration setup (I've never used one).

All this was quite reasonable and very well explained. Thank you!


I’m happy to see I’m adhering to these tips. I commend them to everyone!


That was very good advice, wish more companies and govt agencies and institutions would be more vigilant and strict with their staffs digital security. I constantly facepalm when I hear the stories like took DOD laptop out of facility and forgot it on the metro 🤦😂


Very informative and fun video. Not enough kill rings. 3/10.


Hi Ryan 👋,

Why haven’t I found you Channel sooner than later?

Basically, thank you so much for your intel. I found you to be extremely informative and direct.

I have to subscribe to your channel and hit the notification button too.

Have a great day and may God bless you.

Your time and effort hasn’t gone unnoticed.


Thank you for making this video man people really need to know this stuff to stay safe. I know I learned somthing from this video and ill be sending it to my family thank u again.


I also agree with your policy on e-mails. I have my own domain that I use to create a new e-mail for 'every' account I have. That will alert you if there has been a leak of your e-mail to someone in say a phishing attack. You can just quite literaly delete the e-mail address and move on. Also, use unique and different passwords for every site you sign up to; which you touched on too.


VERY GOOD advice. Thank you very much. And, I really your tactical information. I was PA-33/S USAF 40+ years ago, public affairs. Didn’t have a tactical bone in my body. I’ve learned a lot from your channel.


Hi Ryan, I'm a veteran student who is looking to get into the cyber security field. If you could make a video giving some tips on how to get into that field I would love to hear about it. Thanks!


Actually I find these tips quite easy to follow and I was surprised that I already do like 2 or 3 of them. It's a big difference to what cyber-purist hacker characters tell you: step 1: write your own Linux based operating system. Step 2: only use the tor browser, never any apps. Step 3: never use visual surfaces or load pictures. Only type commands into a text editor. Step 4: store all digital devices in a fridge inside a nuclear bunker inside Mount Doom. Step 5: do all transactions on paper.


Already loved your war videos, and love your general content as well. Keep it up boss!
