The Last Months Of Sinead O'Connor's Life Were Quite Tragic

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Canceled shows, chronic pain, and inconsolable grief— Sinéad O'Connor's last months were deeply challenging, but her tragic death at the age of 56 shocked the world. Here's what we know.

#SineadOConnor #Singer #Musician

Leaving a legacy | 0:00
Terrible grief | 1:33
Canceled | 2:22
A new album | 3:08
Constant pain | 4:23
Plans for a biopic | 5:39
A major award | 6:36
Moving to London | 7:49

Voiceover By: Jarman Day

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I just lost my only child to suicide. Ms O'Connor has verbalized exactly how I feel. Every morning I wake up and face another day of wondering why I am here. I'm not looking for sympathy, I just want to express to any that don't get it, how much pain she was in. RIP.

I'm completely touched by the beautiful messages of caring from a whole bunch of people, I don't even know. I shouldn't have brought this story here, but wanted to say thank you. I feel like you deserve a little explanation.
My lovely son had been troubled for nearly two years and we tried to get him to seek help. He left a 17 year-old son and a loving wife, both of whom were present when he died. Please reach out to the ones you love. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

It's now October and I am still receiving loving messages from people. You are all awesome! I find that, while I'm still in pain, I am trying to act OK, so I don't upset my friends and family. I'm terribly anxious almost all the time, and can hardly bring myself to leave my house. I just wanted to share my appreciation of you, and to let you know that when I get messages, it really touches me. Thank you all so very much!


My son was murdered in 2015, I'm also am 56. I have alot in common with this beautiful woman. Rip ms. Sinead


The most beautiful eyes i have ever seen. Fibromyalgia is like being buried alive. Sinead O Connor explained this hell perfectly. I am tired of 27 years of this brutal, savage pain.I am happy to loan it to anyone who dares say it doesn't exist. Especially doctors who do not accept this very real chronic illness. Would you tell a cancer patient cancer doesn't exist. How dare you?.


She was 100% right, what a fiercesome heart this woman had. She used her platform as an artist and singer to shed light on deeply serious issues, and fools punished her for that. May she find eternal peace <3


A true warrior spirit. More punk than anyone. She lived completely by her own very high morals. God bless her😢😢


Rest in peace. Some people are not made for this cruel cruel world.


I have fibromyalgia, and I'm not sure I could handle the loss of a child on top of it. She's not in pain anymore, rest well.


The human spirit is a powerful thing. Many of us connected with Sinead on a soul level. There was just a deep soul connection with her and we could feel it, whether we knew her or not. I would watch videos of her and the connection was raw that presented itself as truth. Sinead was truly a special person and I am grateful that she shared herself with the world in the midst of much pain. Rest Easy Sinead, your work is done on the earthly plain, you will NEVER be forgotten.


Sinead, it turns out you always spoke your truth and you were the hero all along. You were the voice of children who suffered in secret. You were definitely ahead of your time. Rest in peace, rebel.


Those eyes spoke a thousand words. I will miss her sweet, soaring, soulful voice and her fighting spirit. She was one of those artists that stood apart and gave it her all.


I'm the same age as Ms. O'Connor, give or take a couple months. I gave birth to my only child a couple years after she had her son. I'm diagnosed with Bipolar 2. My son took his own life in 2016, & i've been going through hell ever since.
The weird parallels between my life & Sinead's have made me feel oddly close to her -- she always struck me as having a deep sense of integrity & ethics. I feel her loss as a hole in my heart.

(Having struggled with suicidal ideation all my life, I'm not going to end myself now. If nothing else, losing my own child taught me that as long as there's anyone alive who cares about me, ending myself would hurt them too much to be an option)


She died from a broken heart, Rest in Peace Sinead!


She was fierce and fragile in equal measures.
I hope she knew just how much she was loved.
RIP Sinead O'Connor ❤


I saw her live in 1990 I was in my late teens and I remember looking at the crowd and realised it was packed with young girls and realised what a powerhouse and thought already how much of an icon she was for young girls and women who didn't quite fit the mould. She let us know it's ok to be who you are. Rip to a beautiful soul.


She was owed a huge apology by the US Media for effectively cancelling her for simply TELLING The TRUTH


She also said that she responded badly to a ‘radical hysterectomy’. She had dealt with so many things in this past decade yet people who met her in London recently all say they found her to be a sweet, friendly, talkative person. Most new friends didn’t even know she was famous.

I pray for her children, especially her youngest son. May she finally find peace.


Remember when I first saw her on TV singing Mandinka. It was about 1987. I was jealous of her and memorized by her beauty. I had really bad skin disorders my face betrayed me. Never leave the house without makeup. And here she was wearing maybe a tiny amount of makeup with her head shaved looking so gorgeous with a perfect figure. And her voice just was so captivating.

It wasn't until much later that I discovered her life was wracked with pain. Such inhuman amounts of emotional pain. And and she had the physical pain.

She was such a brave soul. And such a beautiful soul. Believe her soul lives abd energy lives on.

But she changed the world I know she changed me. I wanted to be here when I was quite young. And now close to her age I feel her pain was more than anyone could bear in her life. Rest in peace.


I remember how cruel so, so many people were to her after she ripped up that photo of the pope. As it turned out, she was right all along! Did any of the scumbags who scolded and mocked her ever offer any apologies?


have loved her singing for many years, knowing of her struggles makes her music that much more precious.


Children who undergo abuse and live in chaos during young years tend to internalize the abuse....fibromyalgia is common among those who were abused in young years. Stress is a precursor to a flare. Flares are debilitating.
