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Tomatoes are 95% water. So maybe their intended use is for rocket fuel and not eating.


Guys remember, he has no suicidal thoughts


"i'm prepared because i know i'm an idiot" is a very good line


I suggest keeping the water in motion using a magnetic stirrer. This will increase the surface area and help quickly remove any gas that forms on the metal surface.


I made a hydrogen generator years ago. I know a lot about the subject. The best metal to use is platinum. Other than that the only affordable metal that does not dissolve during electrolysis is 316L stainless steel. Not 308 or regular 316 or anything else. It has to be 316L stainless steel. Hydrogen is an acid and it dissolves pretty much any other affordable metal.

Also, if you apply more than 2, 3 volt to the anode and the cathode you will create heat, and more heat means more resistance and less hydrogen production. To overcome the heat issue, and when you are using between 12 and 14 volts, for example from an old fashion battery charger that doesn't have the fancy electronics, you need to have 1 anode plate, 5 neutral plates that are not connected to anything and insulated from each other, and one cathode, all the plates need to be insulated from each other. This way you can create enough surface area and you can keep the temperature under control as well. If you want to produce large(r) amounts of hydrogen search for dry cell hydrogen generator. A dry cell configuration is more efficient because there is no current leakage, because there is no water at the outside from the hydrogen generator.

With producing hydrogen it is all about amperage and how much surface area that the plates have. More surface area means that you can run a higher amperage without heating up the water. When you add sodium hydroxide you need to add it slowly while running the generator so that you can control the amount of current that it draws. Not more current as your power supply can handle. You can also use baking soda.

You get even higher efficiencies when you use a high power PWM to run the current.

Always make sure that you have a back flash arrestor in your line. You can make one from a 316: stainless steel pipe that is packed with bronze wool, or with stainless steel wool. BUT DO NOT USE REGULAR STEEL WOOL BECAUSE IT WILL CATCH ON FIRE and cause an explosion.

The back flash arrestor is there to prevent that your generator violently blows up when your gas comes into contact with a spark or a heat source.

Also make a bubbler to which your gas has to run through. This is to make the gas dry. Make sure that that bubbler has a weak spot from plastic film, so that the weak spot will blow out if there is an explosion.


Hi. Can you make small car model (maby just 4 wheels) powered by hydrogen from water. -> Tomatoes are disgusting ! (ps love u Integza)


Hi, ECE major here with some advice on the battery problem. Trying to constantly pull the max amperage out of a battery is a very easy way to kill it as they aren't really designed to discharge tons of energy at once, but rather a bit of energy over time. So running a battery at max current is going to overheat it and kill it very quickly as you have experienced. Capacitors on the other hand are much more suited for this and can much more reliably discharge a large amount of current in a short time frame than a battery, but the issue is they may not hold as much energy as a full battery can. They are on the other hand cheaper to get in bulk than a battery so it wont be as catastrophic and costly if you blow a capacitor than a battery. ALSO on the issue of batteries overheating and dying, use some sort of current limiter on the battery or else you will likely keep running into the same problem. Hope this helps!


We can make blood fueled cars from this technology in case if water runs out


To avoid confusion, there's a difference between electrolysis and hydrolysis. Electrolysis uses electricity to split molecules, while hydrolysis uses water to break down molecules


I love that you include the failures to really show the engineering process. From problem, brainstorm, solution, design, prototype, trial, error, and back to problem. That, coupled with knowledge of mechanical and chemical engineering, makes for increadibly talented work. Idk if this is just a hobby for you, or if you do this kind of work for a living, but so many businesses would be lucky to have your kind of talent.


Don't use a bigger battery. The solution for the high current you're drawing is neutral plates. It looks like you're drawing around 3V with this setup but no shared amperage. If you were to have 5 fully isolated plates(neutral plates) in between then you could use 12V to get 2V at each plate and amperage shares across all the plates. The ideal voltage per plate is 2V so if you have 9 plates you take 10 gaps 2V = 20V input and your ideal spacing is around 2-3mm. You also won't want your drink being too conductive or hot either or that will also cause higher current. I've built 3 generators and have used these tips to make them better each time. Hope this info makes it to you, i'd like to see this project visited again sometime!


I'm 45 yrs old and every time I see your video I still learn something new! Thank you for sharing this


That process is actually called Electrolysis. Hydrolysis is using water to break OTHER chemical bonds. Electrolysis: breaking chemical bonds using electricity, Hydrolysis: breaking chemical bonds using water. See the patern?


1. Be aware of some of the Poisonous gases that can be created using different electrolytes and metals, like Chlorine, etc. 2. Use a PWM Controller. 3. As many others have said: neutral plates. 4. Use a pump and an external small radiator and fan to circulate and cool the electrolyte. This also may help to move the bubbles more quickly away from the plates, allowing more contact with the fluid. Perhaps position the plates vertically and pump the water up from below, to aid in the natural upward direction of the bubbles. 5. I met Alan Schoen once. He passed away just last year at the age of 98. He was a very fascinating person.


Shocking that a PLAZMA battery couldn't do the job. Man, there goes my hopes for a plasma battery! This is a sick build Joel.


this channel just hits different when I watch him it feels more like my cousin has gotten the money to do all the random ideas he gets and wants to show them to me

I absolutely love it


1) There's a certain voltage between the anode and cathode where electrolysis is most efficient; FROM MEMORY (so please check this) it takes about 1.25V to work at all, 1.5V is optimally efficient, and above 1.75 V doesn't produce more gas, just producing heat instead... As a result, instead of connecting each plate to +ve and -ve, just connect the end plates to +ve and -ve, and you will end up with a voltage gradient between the the plates inbetween... ie. 48V with 30 plates gives 29 gaps with 1.65V across each gap.

2) Any design which uses an electrolyte will leave a deposit on one or both of the electrodes. However it's also worth noting that these deposits are encouraged by impurities in the electrodes and the water... Sodium is quite high in the electrochemical series (and as such is less likely to form deposits), so sodium chloride (table salt) is a simple and abundant electrolyte... However this does have the caveat that Chlorine gas will be formed at the opposite electrode, as well as your desired Oxygen... To minimise this, you only need a very very weak solution of sodium chloride, so that much more Oxygen is produced to small trace amounts of Chlorine gas.

2b) Further to this, Potassium hydroxide (KOH) is probably the easiest to work wit because (in theory) it is not consumed at all in the electrolysis reactions at the electrodes. In reality you can lose a little KOH through it's reaction with the gasses you are collecting, so very trace amounts K2O2 and some KO2 will be produced. But it is nearly negligible.

3) Going back to impurities causing scum and material deposition at the electrodes - Start with deionised water, add a small amount of electrolyte. Run the electrolyser for a few days, strip and clean each of the plates, wearing gloves and being careful to not get contaminants on the steel plates (even just oil off your fingers is a problem), rebuild, and re-fill with fresh clean deionised water with a little table salt added. To clean them, sand them down with emery cloth and rinse with deionised water.

4) Stainless steel plates are quite cost effective electrodes, but graphite or platinum are better because they are more inert than the stainless steel.


the government: "i just wanna talk to him-"


guys he has NO suicidal thoughts and does NOT want to kill himself. He also has NO plans to stop content and posting. We gotta keep tabs on this guy and keep him safe.

Y'all it's crazy how many people get absolutely pressed over a joke. Relax, kiddos.


"I'm prepared, cause I know I'm an idiot" is the best saying in the world. I'm going steal it from u.
