Compose :: Melbourne 2017 - Pei Shi Yong - React: JS vs ClojureScript
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After 2 months building a React/Redux UI in Javascript for a client Pei Shi realised there must be a better way. With boilerplate galore and even the simplest changes requiring edits across many files the bar was set. ClojureScript looked like an interesting alternative. She re-implemented the project, and will share with you the ups and downs and whether it's worth the switch. Come for concrete examples of real world tradeoffs between the king of Vanilla JS and the largest functional compiles-to-js language.
About Pei Shi Yong
Pei Shi is a full stack developer, lover of stuffed animals and a hobby seamstress. She hacks on Ruby, JS, Clojure and Charles Katz's unreleased fork of Cobol 60. She's an ex-ThoughtWorker and now works for Zendesk munging data to support her fabric addiction.