CSS Tutorial #63 - object-position Property in CSS | Programming For Beginners

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CSS Tutorial #63 - object-position Property in CSS | Programming For Beginners
In this video by Programming for beginners we will see object-position Property in CSS with the help of examples
HTML and CSS is a must for students and working professionals who want to make a career in web development related technologies specifically for front end developers and web designers.
CSS full form is cascading style sheet. It is used to design web pages written in HTML.

The CSS object-position property is used to specify how an img or video should be positioned within its container

use object-fit: cover along with object-position Property in CSS


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What Is CSS?
- CSS stands for cascading style sheets
- In short, CSS is a design language that makes a website look more appealing than just plain pieces of text
- HTML largely determines textual content and CSS determines visual structure and layout
- HTML is a markup language, and CSS is a style sheet language. Think “look and feel” when you think CSS.

How Does CSS Work with HTML?
- A website can run without CSS, but it certainly isn’t pretty
- CSS makes the front-end of a website shine and it creates a great user experience
- Without CSS, websites would be less pleasing to the eye and likely much harder to navigate
- In addition to layout and format, CSS is responsible for font color and more.

What are the Benefits of CSS?
- Faster Page Speed
- Better User Experience
- Quicker Development Time
- Easy Formatting Changes
- Compatibility Across Devices

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#CSS #CSStutorial #webdevelopment #programmingforbeginners


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