How do GMOs affect the environment?

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If you believe that conservation and sustainability are important issues, and if you’re looking for effective ways to help the environment, then you will be pleased to learn that GMO technology offers a solution.

There are many positive GMO effects on the environment because the technology allows farmers to practice sustainable farming. GMOs can help improve air quality, maintain healthy soil and save water for the environment.


Think GMOs are bad for the environment? The reality is that GMOs can actually have a positive impact on the environment. Learn more about how GMOs help farmers do more with less resources.

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how does spraying poison all over the crop, soil and into the water ways, make cleaner water? And how does that sustain healthy soil? It doesnt do either of those things. Soil cant be healthy without micro-organisms and insects to keep the soil healthy. Toxic chemicals like glyphosate kill those bugs and micro-organisms, thats why bugs dont eat the crop. Its because its poison. And it all runs down into the streams and rivers and ocean. And only nature can create something, over a natural process of time, that is suitable for human consumption. If we stopped feeding most of our crops to livestock, we could easily feed the world multiple times over with the amount of food we grow.
