Theology:What is Theology?

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You cannot separate truths about God from God Himself. Your theology highly impacts the way you relate to God personally. I know this for a fact because I've lived in both capacities. For example, if you reject the idea that God isn't entirely sovereign over humanity and circumstances, then that will deeply affect the way you respond to God when trials and difficult times of testing arise. The fact you CAN experience God relies on the fact you have an accurate perception of who He is.


This all sounds like a church going person with a Bible and just living and breathing as a good person


It is not because we care to get into a secular vs. theological debate with others, it's because of the love that we have for God and our brothers and sisters, because He has loved us enough to bring us out of our darkness. The reason why we reflect back to the bible is because it talks of other cultures worshiping idols just like everyone does today (sometimes even Christians)! The bible holds relevance to today's world in it's books just as it did an estimated three thousand years ago!


You  search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that testify concerning Me.
John 5:40 - Yet you are not willing to  come to Me that you may have life.


All I know I believe In the son the father and the Holy Ghost And I don’t to research anything els a hope and repent for god’s mercy and hope I live right with god. I don’t need any denomination of what’s what to tell me about Christ it simply you take Jesus as your lord and savior you As Jesus says you can only get to the father through the son But people realy wanna make thing so complicated when Jesus did the most complicated thing there ever was to do and was allow hims to be beaten shred to pieces by whips broken and crucified. Rose from the dead and is now alive and some day soon we will meet him up in heaven Amen and amen


You start out by saying theology is verb. then you change it to an understanding later. this is inconsistent.


I didn't say proof in any of my statements. So basically you're saying that if I cannot go to heaven and see Christ, then I can say there is no Incarnation. Wow. Once again you're mixing up words dude. Doctrine is the same as theology. It comes from the same root word in the New Testament. You're ripping verses out of context. Paul was talking about keeping the law versus being justified by grace in Christ in Galatians. The letter kills but the spirit gives life.


I think that to study God, to know him and understand him, who is God? What is his nature? Why does he exist? Does he think as we do? Why does he keep himself mysterious? we must study everything that is, biology, sociology, psychology, physics, chemistry, maths and other sciences and philosophies rather than scripture. If God is the creator, he must reveale himself in what he created. It's easy to believe in scripture and hard to work in the complexity of what is. I want to know and to understand why and how, thoughts are a universe.


Theology is the quest in understanding who God is and knowing how to relate to Him based on certain truths about Him that we know and understand. Theology is not demonic and I suspect you haven't really thought through your statements thoroughly.


So if I claim that baptism can be done through oil on the head, and you disagree, you've made a division. You claim that my picture is demonic, I claim it to be self expression (It's a picture of me). Those are divisions which I can choose to acknowledge. The only difference here is that theologians refuse to be ignorant and label them whereas you will call it "same purpose, different experiences" It's the same object from a different view, call it politics if that's what helps your walk.


Good stuff in the comments Jesus Lives!! Brother Joe and Randy.. God bless!!


Why the big deal? Why would he not start with the Bible? Is he not making a claim from it?


Of course not :-). The attribute or property of God in being all powerful has never been defined or even understood in terms of God being able to perform logical impossibilities (married bachelor, round square, square circle, make someone freely do something, etc). So God not being able to do something which is logically impossible isn't really an infringement on God's omnipotence because those examples aren't really things. They're self contradictory words. Hope that helps.


Wow, amazing video. It's so funny all this hatred toward this tells me it's more true than if people agreed.


if god is so powerful, can he make a rock he cant pick up?


I think you're playing semantic games here. Moreover you have no evidence for any of your statements you have made here. How is theology "twisted truth"? Let me ask you this. If one does not believe in the Incarnation (the Second Person of the Trinity taking on humanity), then what does that do to our belief that He conquered death and can comfort us in our sufferings? Paul put plenty of emphasis on doctrine (theology) as practical living. If you deny that, then you are denying Scripture.


Theological points of view that are used to classify people into groups is a misuse of their purpose which is to create a round board of the different beliefs. If we didn't label the Liberalists and define their differences between the Reformed/Scholastics we would have no way to draw any line between the fact that the latter believes that the scripture is inerrant and the Liberalists don't even believe in the deity of Christ.
We don't just stereotype for the fun of it.


Christianity is the predominant religion in Western society. I'm sure if you go into Saudi Arabia you'll find plenty of colleges which have courses available for the Qur'an and the Torah. Theology is nearly entirely occupied by the Christian society and that isn't likely to change.


Moreover, I don't feel a need anymore to respond since you wish to display immaturity. Clearly you have demonstrated your ignorance more than any potential knowledge that you might have. I digress from here on out.


And silence is golden in the house of the lord!!! Humility is recognizing what you are, ye false prohet!! Repent!
