Joe Rogan Gets UNCOMFORTABLE with THIS Proof of GOD

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Bio: Ruslan KD is a Christian YouTuber of Armenian descent who was a refugee from Baku, Azerbaijan, before moving to the United States as a child. He started his YouTube channel in the mid-2010s, which has since grown into a popular platform for discussing faith, lifestyle, and music. Known for his insightful commentary on Christian living, culture, and personal development, Ruslan has built a community of followers who value his thoughtful approach to contemporary issues. In addition to his YouTube presence, Ruslan is a speaker, author, and advocate for godly ambition, often addressing topics related to leadership, mental health, and the integration of faith in everyday life.

Our mission is to encourage, empower, and inspire people to live a life that Blesses God, in accordance with His word. As the Psalmist proclaims, "Bless God in the great congregation, the Lord, O you who are of Israel's fountain" (Psalm 68:26 ESV), and "Every day will I bless Thee; and I will praise Thy name forever and ever" (Psalm 145:2 KJV). Just as Simeon, after encountering Jesus, "took him up in his arms and blessed God" (Luke 2:28 ESV), we seek to lead others in a life of stewardship, relevant engagement, and practical living that honors and blesses the Lord.
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My husband is a physicist. He is Christian. My best friend is a physicist in the EPA. She is a Christian. I know lots of scientific minds that are Christian. They all say the same thing: the more you learn about how things work the more you know it’s not by accident.


The fact that this guy is just talking "science" and no religion but everything still points to God.


"The first sip of a glass of natural science will make you an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass, God is waiting for you" - Werner Heisenberg (the father of quantum physics)


My dad was a physicist and Christian. The same goes for my godfather. Both were two of the most intelligent, reasonable, rational, thoughtful, loving, and caring people that I've never had the honor of knowing and being influenced and blessed by having in my life. They were very critical of everything before accepting it as factual. Their take on God and Christianity were phenomenally profound, exceptionally researched, and completely beautiful. Most scientists that have that level of intelligence agree and can explain it more acutely than most members of clergy. That's rather astonishing to me. One would think that a clergyman would have the upper hand in this.


‘At the end of every conspiracy is Jesus’ bro, this is so true and part of the reason i am now a Christian 😂


God is definitely doing something with Joe Rogan. I feel like he’ll become Christian before he dies. Idk for sure, but I sure hope and pray.

Yes guys God already knows who is saved, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try with everyone. Who knows the plan of the almighty? Jesus could save someone through us. If it be his will.
Yes God is a gentleman, in the sense that he will do everything he can to get you to follow the right path on your own. But he will not force anyone to follow him. He is a loving God and has given us free will because we are made in his image, and since he can think and love and make choices, we can too. The only thing is, if we don’t accept Jesus’ call to us we will regret it.


Joe is inching closer and closer to the Truth! 🙏


Regardless of whether or not Joe Rogan himself ends up believing in Christ, what truly matters is that time and time again the proof of God and the gospel is getting spoken on his show. A show that reaches millions of people every day. God is using Joe Rogan and his podcast for His glory! 🙏❤️


I've been praying for Joe for years. I can't wait for God to get a hold of him. The ones that are hot with hatred for Him in their opposition usually end up on fire for Him when they come to the truth. And Joe has a HUGE platform to influence a whole generation. It's gonna be great!!


Keep it up my Brothers and sisters Hallelujah, for Truth cannot be defeated!🙏🏿💗✝️🌺🕊🪽


Joe is resistant, because it’s not just believing, it’s accepting Jesus as Lord and “submission” to that with sincerity. JR is too self sufficient right now, God will have to do the work in His timing.


Is it me or was Rogan trying to find away to make our universe not as special because deep down inside he know that we have a creator, but his pride or heart is so hard that I pray that his heart will soften to see that we have a creator God.


Joe Rogan has a lot of pride, just like many Christians. I pray for his heart will soften towards God. Imagine him spreading the gospel! Everything is possible with God.


My God is the Great I am!!! Praise you, Yahweh!


Heaven father I come to you and ask that you please forgive me for my filthy and wicked thoughts! Help me to be more like you Jesus Christ and help me love on everyone with no judgment and just love on all my neighbors Make me whole in your mighty powerful name ! Jesus Christ !!


I love how no matter the level of intellect people can look at the creation and know there is a creator.


He's not just an Astro physicist, he's like the Micheal Jordan of the field.


As an engineer and working in nuclear engineering let me assure you there are many scientists that can not deny a creator God because of the amazing things we have discovered keeps showing us that invisible things are the things that have the most power and endurance throughout time. Love to my fellow family in christ ❤


Given that our universe is special, it means God cares about us profoundly and he has special purpose for each of us.


This, stability he mentions, is the grasp of our Lord, holding everything together; as described in his word.
