How I Get Things Done (Self-Employed Workflow)

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One self-employed creator talks about his personal strategies for time management.

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I just wanted to say that I can completely relate to this ‘depression or smth’ that made me quit academia couple of years ago. You are awesome! To be honest, if I worked as an MD in US I’d pay a lot just for some kind of brief hike with you listening to the stuff you know.


Good work on staying clear of the booze, especially during the tough times when temptation is high. 👍


Wishing you success in making the right connections.


That was great man. There is a Maori proverb which translated reads as 'If you turn to face the sun, the shadows fall behind you.' Being the Patreon Professor of Old Norse means you're making a genuine difference to peoples' lives and to the advancement of knowledge in your field of inquiry. Keep at it, but be gentle with yourself eh?


I’m retired educator. Now I manage my time by doing ample research before I commit to important tasks and decisions. My wife calls it “procrastination”. I have a totally different perspective. 😂 Thank You Dr Crawford for your very detailed and informative presentations. Best of luck to you in every endeavor.


I really appreciate all the productivity tips and tricks you shared, but on a personal level, I wanted to say thank you for sharing openly and honestly about your struggle with - and thus far, victory over - alcoholism, without belaboring the point, and staying in solutions. I imagine being this public about it might feel a little scary (or maybe a lot), but I wanted to say I respect your courage for speaking up and sharing your honest experience. You're an inspiration.


I respect you as a person for your decent nature and honest work you've a great personality sir


Man, I instantly gave a like when you said you deal with depression and I got more thrilled when you said about alcoholism. Not because I want to patronise you but because of your honesty about your weaknessess and flaws, that is what I want to see more in the world.


Dr Crawford, although sadly I don't have enough free time at my disposal to watch your videos as often as I could about a year ago, I greatly value your videos, your manner of presentation, your insights - as in this video - and your person. I am unsure how to express myself best, but there often seems to be an air of melancholy and regret to you, which touches me a lot. It pains me how the academic system treats its workers, and how the world doesn't quite seem to honor and offer a place for a man like you. Often, I myself am unsure what place I want to take in the world, and I feel that your perspective and insights have at times given me an understanding and a feeling of being understood that I do not find elsewhere. I want to wish you all the best and express my respect for you.


I love your more confessional/personal videos. Thank you for caring to talk about this stuff with us . . . it does not go unnoticed.


It saddens me that you have something like depression. In truth, it’s hard for me to see you in that light. I see an exceptionally bright man, that seems to have the world laid out before him.


I know you’ve said before that you rarely if ever read comments, but I do feel a bit compelled to write and say that I find these sorts of videos to be just valuable if not more so than your old Norse content. As someone that struggles quite a bit with goal setting/achieving, “productivity”, and really just having some sort of direction in general, I genuinely appreciate these more personal/meta videos and feel like I gain some insight into dealing with my self. I’m a really big fan of your (to me) novel “diary” style of accountability rather than the traditional checklist, it seems a lot more rewarding and manageable to me and I’m gonna have to give it a try


This couldn't have had better timing for me! I am struggling with finding the right sober rhythm and I think this will help me a lot. Thank you Jackson!!


Physical planners & journals & work books!
Google taking care of it isn't just frustrating for people like Dr Crawford and myself, by actually manually writing things down and carrying them around is different for your brain.
If it applies to learning, it definitely applies to staying organized.

Love your perspectives and wisdom.


Ironically, your channel fights against my own creeping nihilism and depression. You keep the parts of me alive that are not acknowledged or rewarded in the life I live.

I also keep a task journal and to do list. They are the same in order to enforce productivity. I am stealing some of your ideas though. One of mine: I used to do 10 push-ups, sit ups, and lunges for each entry. I keep my most egregious tasks in a beautiful sparkly dimestore notebook because the dichotomy suits my sense of humor.
Nature fights depression: seek it out or bring it to you. We wish You all the best Dr. Crawford.


If you want something else to do, lol, voice acting would be fun.


First, this was a very insightful and useful sidetrail video. It's not that a person need follow all of your methods exactly, but it is good food for thought and encouragement to develop one's own system of organization and productivity.

Second, I can only speak for myself, but now and then it is refreshing to have a peek behind the curtains, so to speak - not only your successes but also your struggles. It is somewhat all to easy to idolize and lionize our favorite YouTube content creators. It's very beneficial to be reminded now and then that they are very real human people just like us.

Thank you for sharing so openly.


Hi Jackson, that was a great insight into how you keep yourself productive and organised. A lot of people think producing books and films is easy but it’s not. Self employment requires a lot of discipline to be successful. Thanks for the inspiration.


I hope this year gets better for you! You inspired me to get off youtube and do my homework!


Get some livestock ... That'll guarantee you don't have any leftover time.
