How to Pass Situational Judgement Test (SJT): The Comprehensive Guide!

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SJT - Situational Judgement Test is a type of analytical personality & psychological test, which presents the test-taker with realistic scenarios and ask job candidate to identify the most appropriate response or to rank the responses in the order of most effective / least effective based on the provided circumstances.




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Discussing goals with someone u have just beaten to a career progression is "rubbing salt into the wound"


I originally thought I thought A. But not to schedule an appointment only to call the boss and ask if rumors are ture. Letting them know if what happens, I'd be able to keep up and make the necessary changes


The best answers is stay professional.. And everything follows.


Your presentation is so clear and helpful, thank you very much!


thank you so much! such a valuable and helpful video, also, the motion graphics are great! hope you stay healthy and happy, sir! ☺


Very informational. I do want to be a leader, and this has definitely given me insight on how to approach different t situations


Excellent explanation Sir. Thank you very much for making this wonderful video🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏☺️☺️


I don't completely agree with a couple of your answers:

The situation where you got the promotion ahead of a colleague and they seem to resent this. I would have gone for answer C for this one.
A - I don't see any reason I should apologize for a decision I didn't make. Also it could be seen as finding a reason to point out you got the promotion and not them.
B - This could come across as intimating that their career goals are set too high and they where not good enough for the promotion. Also it could be seen as finding a reason to point out you got the promotion and not them.
D - This feels like you are ignoring the problem and are content to have a colleague working at a less than optimum standard. If they where considered for the promotion, then they are likely to be the second best (in the management's opinion) department member.
E - This feels like you are ignoring the problem and may be seen by your colleague as just exercising your new power at the first opportunity.
C - This shows a degree of empathy and desire define how the new team dynamic will work. You need to work together and showing a desire to not let this issue hinder that is important.

The situation where you overhear a discussion about a change to remote working. I would have gone for answer D for this one.
A - It's just an overheard rumour. No reason to act like it is true.
B - It's just an overheard rumour. No reason to act like it is true.
C - Waiting 24 hours will make no difference to the information you have, but it will avoid you acting in haste. Reasonable, but not not my preferred option.
E - It's just an overheard rumour. No reason to act like it is true. But if you are waiting 24 hours before doing anything, it will be useful information to have if the rumour is true.
D - Your colleague may not know anything about the rumour, but they might and early confirmation or denial will stop you speculating. If they do not know anything, they will probably bring it up with their leadership connection who can take steps to officially confirm or deny the rumour.


Thank you for making this useful video, I've learned so much from it.


thank you very helpful i would have answered the wrong answers if i didnt see this video


Staff analyst exams have questions like this which can be tricky


I don't like the fact that u said three options had strong reasons to be selected, but we just need a answer that is completely best and was not given


Great guide
But in reality, those who are buddies with management will get the promotion, no matter how good you are performing.
