Michael Shellenberger and Benjamin Preston on the Future of Environmental Activism

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This livestream on the future of climate activism features Michael Shellenberger, a leading energy, security and environmental expert named “Hero of the Environment” by Time magazine. While Shellenberger has been a lifelong environmental activist, he now argues that “climate alarmism” is distracting us from dealing with important environmental problems, including those that led to the current coronavirus pandemic. He posits, while climate change is real, it is not the end of the world nor even the biggest environmental challenge we face. The conversation is moderated by Benjamin Lee Preston, a senior policy researcher at the RAND Corporation and director of the Community Health and Environmental Policy program.

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Shellenberger is a master at his literary and verbal expertise in regards to what should and shouldn't be priority in 2021.


As someone who finds the hysteria and religious thinking around climate off-putting I am very pleased to have found this.
When considering issues like this the problem is not that nuclear for instance is logical, clean and safe. The problem is that most people do not view the world via logic but via emotions. For the rest of us all the hysteria is a waste of time when viable solutions such as nuclear exist.


Why replace Diablo Nuclear with $$$ RE and MOSTLY NEW GAS EGEN? Why raise emissions and EBILLS + Bonus more Blackouts?


Thank you for letting Mike speak without rejoicing that an environmentalist would question big oil's environmental solutions.


Wow! What a balanced, quality common sense scientist and of course what a shock to hear that Michael Shellenberger is politically illiterate. How can I explain his statement as follows: "I will vote for Biden because the country became too chaotic!"
I am not going to lecture anybody but the Truth is that our country became chaotic exactly because of the Democrats. So Michael vote for them and surely the situation will NOT change. Truly MS you cannot see it?
