Knightfall Vader VS Yoda

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W edit!🔥

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Ridiculous. There’s a reason why Yoda sent Obiwan to deal with Anakin while Yoda went to fight the Sith Master


Great edit, but no way that Anakin beats Yoda

Firstly, ”Force potential” is not gomna help you at all in a fucking duel

Secondly, if Anakin was stronger than Yoda he could have just killed Sidious and take over the Republic/Empire, but he didnt because Sidous is at another level and Yoda was superior combatant than Palps

If you analyze the fight, it clealy shows that Yoda is superior warrior.

- Sidious tries to flee
- When he realize that he cannot flee he says ”You will not stop me. Darth Vader will become more powerful than either of us” which indicates that he knows he might die, but Sith legacy is secured as he turned the Chosen One to the Dark Side.
- During their duel, it is clearly shown that Sidious is struggling. Just look at his face.
- Yoda disarmed him, meaning that he is the superior duelist
- Sidious gained the high ground which didnt have that much impact, but he then disarmed Yoda which was good move
- When Yoda blocks Palps lightning we can once again see him struggling. Also, in the novel following was written ”Yoda’s newfound hope gave him the strength to resist Sidious’s might…” and ”…an astounded Sidious, who was slowly being pushed back by the strength of Yoda’s counterattack…”. These excerpts indicates that Yoda is superior in terms of the Force power.
- Yes Yoda fell due to his small size

Then why did Yoda leave?
- During the duel, Yoda got an insight and learned that there is a new hope(Luke) so he needed to stay alive. This was better explained in the novels
- Palps was calling back up. As the wise grand master, you wouldnt want to face one of the strongest Sith and his Clone battalion which just purged the Jedi. Especially considering that Yoda is 900 years old and tired.

Another speculation from the duel
- Only times Sidious was laughing is when he was away from Yoda. When they got close, Sidious was panicking.

Also, gotta keep in mind that Yoda was not at his prime and he was mentally damaged by the betrayal of the clones and death of his fellow comrade(and probably a little tired after killing all the clones in the Jedi temple). Whereas Sidious enters the battle fresh.


Yoda has lived for 900 years. How does he not get IQ.💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


Padme's gonna get jealous with how some of you work the meat 😂


Fastest of his generation doesnt mean fastest ever.


Yoda is a better duelist it's not even close


I don't think this is right, but it's a good edit


dueling to yoda, went toe-to-toe with sidious and beat him. force power to yoda potential ≠ power. he sensed anakin's pain when anakin's mother died in AOTC. also force potential shouldn't be a point as that wont help in a battle. fire edit


massive W edit+diff a little lower i would say kfv mid-high diffs


Sebastian Shaw should have in the rest of the movie Revenge Of The Sith as Knightfall Vader.


There is no form of Anakin before redeemed that beats Master Yoda, period.


Who wants to join my open collab everyone is welcome


If this is unconflicted I can agree personallg, but an argument could be that yoda is the grandmaster of the jedi for a reason and had all the time to master the art of lightsaber combat. But still anakin's offense is insane


Palpatine even stated yoda would defeat anakin


Please don’t kill me.
Knightfall Vader~Post Order 66 Sidious>Post IH Anakin>Pre Order 66 Sidious>=Prime Yoda
Yoda is overrated… I saw many edits where Yoda high diffs ROTJ Sidious💀.


Yoda sent Kenobi to fight Vader because if it was reversed, Obi would end up dead by Sidious while Yoda would destroy Anakin


This is pre-conflicted Knightfall Vader so he would be quite more powerful than the Anakin that fought Obi-wan


My Opinion:

Knightfall Anakin Skywalker [Without Inner Conflict (Not Conflicted)] Vs Grand Master Yoda:

Adaptation - Knightfall Anakin Skywalker

Intellectual Adaptation - Grand Master Yoda

Ofense - Knightfall Anakin Skywalker

Defense - Grand Master Yoda

Strength - Knightfall Anakin Skywalker

Reaction - Grand Master Yoda

Speed - Knightfall Anakin Skywalker [Was Stated As The Fastest Jedi Of His Generation]

Endurance - Knightfall Anakin Skywalker

Durability - Knightfall Anakin Skywalker

Agility - Grand Master Yoda

Dodgeing - Grand Master Yoda

IQ - Knightfall Anakin Skywalker [170/175 IQ]

Intelligense - Knightfall Anakin Skywalker

Experience - Grand Master Yoda

Battle IQ - Knightfall Anakin Skywalker As Better War Veteran + Only Partly Grand Master Yoda

Battle Experience - Knightfall Anakin Skywalker

Force Power - Knightfall Anakin Skywalker

Force Abilities - Knightfall Anakin Skywalker

Count Of Abilities - Grand Master Yoda

Knowledge Of The Force - Grand Master Yoda

Knowledge - Grand Master Yoda

Potential - Knightfall Anakin Skywalker

Will Power - Knightfall Anakin Skywalker

Knightfall Anakin Skywalker Wins With High - Very High/Insane Diff.


Knightfall vader sith eyes=> Master yoda senate => Darth vader rotj
