Who Was MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATURK? | How He Saved Turkey? | The Fall Of the Ottoman Empire.|

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Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was a Turkish nationalist leader and founder and first president of the republic of Turkey. Mustafa Kemal embarked upon the reformation of turkey. He designed a philosophy of western ideas called kemalism based on republicanism, nationalism, populism, statism, secularism, and revolution. His legacy still lives today as people in turkey observes 10th November as Ataturk Memorial Day.
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Please Like and Subscribe to the Channel for More and Share With Your Family & Friends:
Here is the link to video, "Who was Kosem Sultan? Why was she known as the Magnificent Queen?"
Here is the link to the short, "How was Ottoman Dynasty saved by Kosem Sultan?"
Here is the link to video, "Who was the last great Ottoman Sultan?"
Here is the link to the short, "How Sultan Abdul Hamid II saved Palestine from Jews?
Here is the link to video, "Who was Salahuddin Ayyubi? How did he conquered Jerusalem?"
Here is the link to the short, " Mercy of Salahuddin Ayyubi on Jerusalem"
Here is the link to video, "Battle of Constantinople by Sultan Mehmed II Fateh. | Rise of Ottomans.| Fall of Constantinople."
Here is the link to the short, "How Fateh Sultan Mehmed Conquered Constantinople?"