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Levy Rozman returns to answer more of the internet's burning questions about the game of chess. What does he make of the Carlsen vs. Neimann controversy? What's the greatest chess move of all time? How are chess bots able to analyze an entire game? Levy answers all these questions and much more!

Director: Lisandro Perez-Rey
Director of Photography: Francis Bernal
Editor: Louville Moore
Talent: Levy Rozman
Line Producer: Joseph Buscemi
Associate Producer: Paul Gulyas; Brandon White
Production Manager: D. Eric Martinez
Production Coordinator: Fernando Davila
Camera Operator: Brittany Berger
Gaffer: Mar Alfonso
Sound Mixer: Michael Guggino
Production Assistant: Albie Smith
Post Production Supervisor: Alexa Deutsch
Post Production Coordinator: Ian Bryant
Supervising Editor: Doug Larsen
Additional Editor: Paul Tael
Assistant Editor: Billy Ward

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Thanks for inviting me AGAIN Wired, lots of fun!


It’s so fun to watch how calm levy is when he’s in any situation outside his own content


this guy looks like he knows how to sacrifice the...


"I lost to a bunch of nine year olds" Team Small Child is the undisputed champion of destroying morale.


this levy guy should start a channel, id love to see more of him


if you're wondering why en passant exists, basically its to prevent a pawn to have the ability to slip by another pawn without getting captured. A lot of chess endgames are about pawns controlling other pawns so it is actually pretty important that they're not able to slip past.


wired never fails to include levy in their videos


"A lot of park chess players are actually really good"
This is so true.
I studied chess and really, I was unbeatable in the club with bunch of college students like me. My elo is 1600 in FIDE, I'm 2200-2300 on online chess. I felt badass after reading numerous chess books.
Once I came to this old damp cofee shop. I saw 7-10 old man close to their 60s and looked like they barely even studied chess or go to school. I played them all, struggled to win and several times, I lost the game.
Didn't know what happenned though but now, I think it is because "old" guys really love to talk more than this generation. They love to analyze without using engine, just screwing around and try to play like human, not machine.
And in fact, they all have a good time management, more than me.


It is funny to see how Gothamchess's personality changes. He can be formal and he can be the wildest man alive


Levy is the type of person to see a chess set and ask “is anyone going to eat that?” And not wait for an answer.


Levy might not be a GM, but he does have a very good understanding of the game and he's a good teacher. He's also entertaining and funny, which is why GothamChess is a successfulv channel.


Most memorable move for me was Ding Liren in the world championship. When he was low on time and everyone thought he was going to repeat moves to make a draw… but then he gambled everything by going for the win. It was so shocking, but it worked. He won the game and became the world champion. Incredible courage to go for it.


Actually, the balance patch wasn't "adding en passant", it was to allow a pawn taking two steps in one move (while still on its starting position). En passant simply exists to allude to the fact that the pawn actually takes those two steps, so it sort of pauses after the first step and gets taken there.

This story is quite helpful for students to understand en passant.


2:52 Elo is the last name of the person who created the system of rating. Rather than create something else to define the rating number, they use the name of the system. This is why you can have Elo in many other games.


Levy never fails to be a Timelord who was there at the inception of Chess.


Wow! Great job on the WIRED graphics team on making him look so realistic! GothamChess almost looks like a real person in this video!


I absolutely adore the idea of Levy explaining to Anna what a smothered mate is XD


I want to add to the first question about trash talk in chess that in XIX and early XX centuries chess players were notorious trash talkers. Staunton and Saint-Amane were insulting each other in their chess magazines before and after their match, Alekhine and Capablanca had a very infamous feud, there were heated debates about chess openings...

In fact, the only reason why chess trash talk fell out of favor was that between 1945 and 1990 about 80% of top chess players were Soviet and they obviously couldn't do that (even if they wanted).


Thank you for being such a great ambassador for the game Levy!


You may have to differentiate bishops or queens if you promoted a pawn to either. Now you may have multiple light (or dark) square bishops, or multiple queens, and you may need to disambiguate.
(I know, I know, not likely at all)
