Scientists Warns Earth Core is Cooling Faster than Predicted

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Scientists Warns Earth Core is Cooling Faster than Predicted. earth's interior is cooling faster than we previously estimated, according to a recent study, prompting questions about how long people can live on the planet. Scientist Warns Earth Core is Cooling Faster than Predicted science earth’s crust earth’s core earth core is cooling faster. Earth core is cooling earth core is cooling faster than expected earth core earth mantle science news nasa space nasa news scientists scientist warns. Earth Earth's inner core Mantle convection earths core rapidly cooling inside the earth what if geology earth mantle convection earth core cooling. Earth core cooling faster earth core temperature how earth core stay hot? how earth core formed? how earth core is hot.

There's no exact timetable on the cooling process, which could eventually turn Earth solid, similar to Mars. But results from a new study, published( in the peer-reviewed journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters,) focus on how quickly the core may cool by studying bridgmanite, a heat-conducting mineral commonly found at the boundary between the Earth's core and mantle.

The results could give us a new perspective on the evolution of the Earth’s dynamics, ETH Zurich professor Motohiko Murakami said in a press release. They suggest that Earth, like the other rocky planets Mercury and Mars, is cooling and becoming inactive much faster than expected.

The boundary between the Earth's outer core and mantle is where the planet's internal heat interaction exists. The scientific team studied how much bridgmanite conducts from the Earth's core and found higher heat flow is coming from the core into the mantle, dissipating the overall heat and cooling much faster than initially thought.

This measurement system let us show that the thermal conductivity of bridgmanite is about 1.5 times higher than assumed, We still don't know enough about these kinds of events to pin down their timing says the Professor.

So what do you think? Do you think Earth core colling faster or it is not sure till further research?

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Holy Lava Batman!!!

It's not going to happen until 3.5 billion years from now.. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣.

Meanwhile 90% of the Earth is still unexplored.


We're having hole in ozone layer it's heating earth and the core is cooling
Makes sense


The earth's core has to be radioactive


i guess the volcano Tonga that just erupted 3 days ago, and the other 49 ective volcanoes helped the cooling of the earth.did you feel the eruption?.


And suddenly winter shows up and globe is no more hmm 🤔 sounds like seasons


The earth needs gas to stay warm but humans remove all the gas that the earth itself needs
