How to Balance Life in Medical School | Premed Tips & Advice | Doctor Diaries Podcast - Ep. 8

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Hi! This is Jericho, I am happy to host the Doctor Diaries podcast. Today I speak with Mohammed Dairywala, an MS2 at McGovern Medical School in Houston, Texas. He talks about what his daily schedule, how he balances life and studying in med school, and what he wishes he knew about the med school journey. Please stay tuned for many more episodes to come.

0:45 - Why medicine?
2:08 - Daily schedule as an MS2 in med school?
3:34 - How do you manage a work-life balance during the semester?
7:15 - How to survive MS2?
8:26 - What are some things that you like or dislike about medical school?
10:07 - Is there anything you would change at all about medical training/ the med school curriculum?
14:15 - What do you wish you knew about your journey in hindsight?

Doctor Diaries is a podcast launched by Alpha Epsilon Delta at the University of Houston. We aim to provide our members, and pre-meds everywhere, a glimpse into what life is like in the medical field. We also hope to provide students useful tips and advice that they can use in their own pre-medical journeys.

Alpha Epsilon Delta is the largest national pre-medical honor society at the University of Houston. Our goal is to provide the resources and information for members to succeed as a pre-med student and be the best medical school applicant they can be. If you are not trying to get into medical school, no problem! We offer many different professional training workshops (interviews, resume, etc) and volunteering events that could help when pursuing any healthcare profession. Lastly, AED is a big family! Come and meet people that share similar goals as you.

Thank you for watching!

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Рекомендации по теме

0:45 - Why medicine?
2:08 - Daily schedule as an MS2 in med school?
3:34 - How do you manage a work-life balance during the semester?
7:15 - How to survive MS2?
8:26 - What are some things that you like or dislike about medical school?
10:07 - Is there anything you would change at all about medical training/ the med school curriculum?
14:15 - What do you wish you knew about your journey in hindsight?


Thanks for having me on! Enjoyed our discussion
