How to install Ruby on Rails in Windows 10(Hindi)

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Hello Friends,

This video shows How to install Ruby on Rails (Ruby+Devkit 2.4.5-1 (x64)) on Windows 10.First I want to share some basic Information about Ruby on Rails.Ruby on Rails is divided in two parts ruby and rails.

*Ruby is a programming language.It was created in mid 90's by Japanese computer scientist Yukihiro Matz.Like C,C++ and Java language Ruby is a general purpose programming language.Though it is best known for its use in web programming.

*Rails is a software library that extends the ruby programming language also its is a server side web application written in ruby programming under the MIT license.Danish Computer Programmer David Hansson was a creator of Rails.He gave the name 'Ruby on Rails'.It's often just called 'Rails'.Rails is a Model View Controller(MVC) providing default structures for a database,a web service and web pages.You can create web application on Ruby using HTML,CSS and Java Script.

*Ruby on Rails also can be used in IDE like RubyMine,Eclipse,Net Beans,Cloud9 IDE etc...

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Great Explanation and good knowledge, keep it up.


thanks bro this video is many help full to me
