Grammar: The Imperative (A1-B1) - Giving instructions in German - Easy!

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Do you want to understand the imperative mood in German?
Would you like a quick and easy explanation of how to form the imperative?
Is the imperative a mood or a tense?

Look no further! (That was an imperative, in case you hadn't spotted it...)

Using imperatives in German can help people understand what you need them to do. Whether it is in the office, in a school, or with friends and family, it's very handy to give and understand direct instructions!

Nowadays, school German exams, particularly in the UK, will provide instructions in German. Sentences such as 'Lies den Text und beantworte die Fragen!' (Read the text and answer the questions!) or 'Schreiben Sie einen Bericht von 100 bis 150 Wörter auf Deutsch' (Write a report of 100 to 150 words in German), and so understanding what is required of an exercise is crucial!

Learn how to understand these instructions in under 9 minutes!

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This absolutely brilliant. There are many very good courses on YT, but yours are really something else. Keep it up.


Ihre Videos sind wirklich die erstaunlichsten. Ich genieße sie sehr. Ich gratuliere Ihnen herzlich.


Sehr schönes Video, mit dem ich Gramm lernen kann


You describe the "du"-imperative for strong verbs around 4:00 . What about strong-verbs for imperative-"ihr", and strong-verbs for imperative-"Sie"?


Thank you, as usual preparing for my class test 😅


Hello! Thank you very much for the vedios! I noticed the thrid word in the sentence "Essen Sie Ihr Frühstück", namely 'Ihr', is it the formal 2nd person? And if it is, is it necessary in this sentence? Dank!


You said that if the stem of a verb ends in -d or -t it will always have -e added to it. In my school's dictionary it says both with "arbeiten" and "finden" that it can be called the stem without an extra -e. I just want to know if it is the dictionary that has an error or if it's just very common to add -e behind the words.


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