I Took my Friends on a CONTROVERSIAL Cruise Line | MSC Cruises

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A couple of months ago, I was set a challenge. Two of my friends said that they’d like to come on a cruise with me and even though I’ve been cruising for years, picking a first cruise for somebody else, is not easy. The pressure was on because they were trusting me, not just with their money but also with their time.

I knew that they wouldn’t like a formal cruise line or one with strict dress codes and I was pretty sure that they’d like a newer modern looking ship. Those things alone wouldn’t be too tricky, but I knew that we wanted to cruise from the UK and were looking to take this cruise on a tight budget.

When I saw a 6 night MSC cruise advertised for £320 per person, I hoped that this would be the answer.

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From my perspective MSC stands for Mildly Surprising Cruise Line. This covers those pleasant surprises we experience with them as well as the occasional oddities. Cheers 🥂


As someone who has spent a significant part of the last 20 years in helicopters, planes, and onboard various ocean-going vessels, i cannot stress enough the importance of paying attention to safety drills. Unless you've done some realistic training or, worse, been involved in a real emergency, you will have no idea how easy it is to become disorientated, be it by smoke, lack of lights, or water ingress, plus potentially being woken up in the middle of the night by an alarm. In a real event (and even false alarms), people will panic, and some people will behave irrationally, even violently. Please take the safety drills seriously, and remember the emergency escape routes from your cabin - you will be far better off than those who don't.


Many years ago a couple we befriended on our first cruise suggested learning how to say common greetings in as many languages as possible. I then created a spreadsheet that I keep and bring with me on cruises. You wouldn't believe the joy you bring others by greeting them and thanking them in their own language! This is especially true with your stewards because it will reward you with better service and extras. Well worth the minimal effort required! Thanks!


Ketchup on pizza is a Monumentally Strange Choice (MSC)! 😜


Emma having watched you for nearly two years, my wife and I finally took our first cruise from Miami to Cozumel for our 34 anniversary. You are the reason why we took this trip on the celebrity summit and I can’t thank you enough for your sage advice and encouragement. We are already planning another trip in a few months and it is all because of you. Thank you!!!


For what it's worth, I have hauled many a shipping container for MSC. The freight arm of the family business. And one thing to remember about MSC is that the family owns all the stock in the company. They don't have shareholders making their lives miserable. If they decide they want to do something, they don't have to get shareholder approval or face shareholder ire at the next annual meeting. That explains some of the weird stuff they do, and how quickly they can do something else if they find something's not working. And I can't believe the Brits eat beans for breakfast.


Being "trapped" on a ship with 3500 passengers, especially with lots of screaming kids, sounds like my worst nightmare! Never being able to be alone in a quiet spot (other than trapped in my cabin).... just makes me shudder with horror at the very thought..


Ketchup on pizza? Who puts ketchup on pizza? Pizza already has tomato sauce on it. What are you doing, Emma? :D


Re kettles, having owned a hotel or 3 and been in the hotel industry for over 40 years, hotel/ cruise ship kettles are a worrying item. The things people do with their hotel kettles is scary, everything from cooking hot dogs to boiling their i]underwear. Believe me, the lack of a kettle is a bonus!


I love listening to Emma, she is so reassuring and kind.


Not too sure I will sail MSC but I am interested every time Emma brings us to her experiences .. I do like they match loyalty from other lines too 😁


A very honest review. So fed up with hearing people moaning about MSC when they have paid just £55+ a night and then comparing it with RC, Princess et al. We went on the Divina which I think is the same class ship as the Preziosa and we found it like you, a well laid out ship and in many repects perhaps better than the new Virtuosa. We have done 7 cruises with MSC and if you go looking for faults you can always find them, but we like the continental vibe, the different nationalities on board, the European style food and portions and the lack of stuffiness often found on P&O and being English you can always read the signs/notices on board and ALL the staff can understand you, which is not always the case for our European buddies. If you have a high disposible income then other cruise lines will happily take your money, but with our more restricted budget MSC have allowed us to do some great cruises both in Europe and the Caribbean, visit some great ports and see places we would never have got to and all the time eating, drinking and sleeping our way with the minimum of fuss and effort, what's not to like?


We've only sailed once on MSC, a few years ago on the Seaside when it was new. My wife and I agree that with all the other options available we probably wouldn't sail MSC again. The ship was absolutely beautiful with all the crystal but to me it felt like often they chose style over comfort especially when it came to the furniture. There were many chairs that were interesting to look at but not comfortable to sit in. We also found the food to be disappointing. Nice to see MSC through your eyes...always enjoy your perspective Emma! MSC=My Sparkly Cruise ship :)


That was a first for me, pizza with ketchup!! My first job was in a pizza restaurant owned by a family from Sicily. We gave the side-eye to anyone eating it with ranch dressing, which is pretty common in the US these days. I'm afraid they may have asked you to take your ketchup and leave. 😄 ❤️ Love your videos, Emma!


I love the dachshund waring the cowboy hat. My grandson would love the rubber duckies hidden all over the ship, too!


Emma, I wish I could express how important your videos are to keep me inspired to continue travel. Thanks for being you, and providing me with content I LOVE and cherish, ❤✌


Totally agree about paying window washers more money. I cringe whether I see the guys cleaning my office windows, and I am only 10 stories up.


I'm glad I could provide you with great weather, (which I personally organised in advance), and had fun showing you around! Sorry about the bomb. I thought you would think it was exciting ;-P


I love table sharing. I don't have a Basque heritage, but my hometown has a huge Basque population, and it's super common to share a table. I think it's fun and a great way to meet people, and as a child I learned to be a more social person.


We travel like you do—economically without feeling like we’re missing out. I think travel is affordable; you just have to be smart!
