Grow Salad Greens All Winter For Less Than 20 Dollars | Gardening Tips | Roots and Refuge

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Today, I'm sharing a quick and affordable project to help you grow your own salad greens all through the winter!

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Girl you taught me more in 15 min than the rest of the internet has taught me in weeks of study. Glad we found your channel.


I sow the lettuce in a wheelbarrow full of dirt that way I can move it with the sun and bring in garage on those cold nights


This was one of the most useful videos I have ever watched. I modified your instructions by putting two plastic totes on top of one of my raised beds, side by side, with a variety of lettuce seeds planted underneath. It was wonderful eating a fresh salad in December and throughout the winter and spring. I will be doing it again. Many thanks to you!


Tip from an old woman: Rather than one large opening, cut two openings, leaving a 1-2” strip in the center to prevent bag from collapsing on the long sides. 😊


Ditto. This is the best idea I have gotten after watching hundreds of hours of YouTube videos. I planted four of these in the fall and put them on my deck. I had fresh spinach all winter long, just a few feet from my back door. When it got down in the teens, I covered them with old rugs at night. It's May and they are still producing. Thank you so much! You are awesome!


Great tutorial. To add a your seeds in the freezer overnight before you plant them and it puts them thru the dormant stage so that as soon as they're planted and watered, they will sprout and come up quicker.


I put tiny seeds in an empty salt shaker and shake them out to plant. They tend to space more evenly than when I sprinkle them by hand.


Inverting a clear container as a "greenhouse", just brilliant and super cheap


Please thank the cat for his charming presence. He made me laugh!
Thank you for the planting idea.


I have gardened for decades, but never thought of doing something as simple as this. Thanks a 1, 000, 000.


I've been watching you for sometime now & I Love your vids .Just a small add -on, if you place a sheet on insulation under the bag of soil, it will protect your soil from the cold ground sapping the heat from your mini greenhouse


I needed that little pep talk at the end. I'm planting 3 tomato plants in containers for the first time, and am so overwhelmed by all of the work and how complicated it is, when it might not even work! Blight, hornworms, nitrogen, phosphorous, heat, squirrels.... I was watching this thinking, "Why am even trying this?!" And then she talked about how good it is just to try, and it soothed my worried little heart. :)


We started growing herbs outside in the courtyard. I live in a ten story apartment building and so this was an experiment to see if people would use them, it worked eally well. When we harvested the herbs, we cut and put them in labeled snack bags. Left them available for tenants. They disappeared in a few hours. Was a success as far as we were concerned.


This was my introduction to Roots and Refuge several years ago, and it is STILL my most-shared link as I'm teaching gardening to newbies. I've learned so much from Jess over this time! No mean fete teaching new stuff to somebody who's been gardening more than 50 years!


I hav found an old salt shaker works so good to sow tiny seeds.


God bless you I’m just enjoying youyour helping me go threw the grieving process of my husband after 40 years he was a romantic Gardner he planted for me and I’m just watching you and a few others on here and I’m going to do it
But I f I never plant another thing I love watching you God bless you doll


I did this last Fall and it was amazing! Grew radishes in the bags too. Love, Jess!! My back yard looked like I was growing containers, lol.


Well hey, didn't know when I woke up this morning that I'd suddenly need ten tubs and ten bags of...


Adding water bottles painted black filled with water in the corners that fit inside will help collect heat from sun during the day will help release heat during the night and keep from freezing during the night. Depending on the weather conditions.


Kitten George is Mommy's little helper in the garden. :)
