#Pov : Y/n is drunk and she says something.. | Mattheo riddle x Y/n

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I need this in a series pls can u make it ❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊


Backstory: you and Mattheo are enemies but yall are secretly in love with each other and yall don’t know yall feel the same way. You are at a Slytherin Party and you get really drunk and Mattheo sees you and you see him and tell him that

He takes you back to his dorm and you decide to put on his clothes

Y/n: your clothes are comfortable matty!

Mattheo: Ik and Matty now huh? I thought you hate me princess

Y/n: *laughs* I don’t hate you! I love you Matty!

Mattheo: your really drunk..

Y/n: actually I’m pretty sober. Don’t you love me?

Mattheo: I do bu-

*you cut him off my kissing him and he kisses back*

Y/n: so.. can I stay here tonight?

Mattheo: *smiles* sure!

*yall fall asleep with you laying on his chest and his arms wrapped around you*

*PART 2* (I will do part 3 if yall remind me if yall want it)
*You wake up to Mattheo playing with your hair*

Mattheo: goodmorning princess. *he says this kind of softly that made you kind of confused*

Y/n: Goodmorning Mat- MATTHEO!!
*you quickly get off his chest and out of bed and it takes you a second to figure out that your not in your own dorm*
Y/n: Mattheo! where am I and why am I in the same bed as you?!

Mattheo: you seriously don't remember do you Princess?

Y/n: no I don't and stop calling me that I don't like it I hate you! *you start to bush because you secretly love when he calls you that*

Mattheo: well, if you don't remember what happened I guess you'll have to ask me later because I'm going to go take a shower and get ready for the day. You should go back to your dorm and do the same Princess.

Y/n: ugh fine bye Matty-Mattheo *you blush a little at your mistake*

Mattheo: *he looks into your eyes but they aren't filled with hatred but with a loving look* *he whispers* it's okay princess love when you call me that *he winks at you then kisses you before running into the bathroom before you could say anything*

Y/n: MATTHEO! WHY IN MERLINS NAME DID YOU JUST KISS ME?! YOU HATE ME!!! *by this point of everything that had happened in the past 3 hours that you could remember, you were now as red as a tomato* *you start to question if he actually hates you*

Y/n: Fine, I'm leaving and I'll talk to you in potions.

Mattheo: *he yells back* okay Princess!

*you run to your room and then take a shower*

comment and rm if you want the next part!

*PART THREE!! comment if you want more I have a free day today!!

*you completely forgot that you were wearing Mattheo's clothes (his hoodie and sweats) and you walked into your dorm that you shared with Pansy*

Y/n: Hey pans!

Pansy: WHERE WERE YOU LAST NIGHT AND WHY DO YOU SMELL LIKE MATTHEO?! *she was mad and full of jealousy bc she knew that both of yall fancy Mattheo*

Y/n: well I was in Mattheo's dorm. I don't remember why but when I woke up this morning I was laying on his chest and in his clothes in his bed and then when he went to go take a shower he told me he would explain to me why I was in his room later and then he kissed me and didn't tell me why!

*Pansy was full of rage and she surprisingly smiled*

Pansy: He's in love with you girl! *she smiled*

Y/n: No way! and your not mad? * you start taking off Mattheo's clothes*

Pansy: no! you deserve this! I'm happy for you!

Y/n: Thanks! but its not like anything will happen.. I think it's probably just a bet or something.

*this is all for part 3* tell me if you want more and I'll gladly make them.

*PART 4! tell me if you want part 5*

*you and Pansy are walking into the Great Hall and you see Mattheo sitting next to Draco Malfoy, your ex-boyfriend and you see Draco, Theodore, Blaise, Lorenzo, and Five staring at you*

Y/n: *you whisper so the boys don't hear you* why is everyone staring at me??

*Yall both sits down and fix y'all's plates before Pansy answers you*

Pansy: Maybe you should ask him what happened...

Y/n: ask wh-

*Before you could finish, Mattheo came up to you and sat right next to you and started staring at you without saying anything to you*

*Tell me if you want the next part this is all for part 4*

*PART 5!* This one will be my favorite

Y/n: Staring problem Riddle?

Mattheo: *he started to blush* No, I just like looking at pretty things

*you feel your face go really red*

Y/n: so Pansy you never told me why everyone was staring at me earlier.

Pansy: well let me show you I took a video of you at the party *she shows you the video*

*your face goes really red at this point and your so embarrassed that you said that to him*

Y/n: Mattheo, I am so sorry I said that! I have to go Pans, talk to you later.

*you run out of the Great hall and Mattheo runs after you and pulls you into a small broom closet causing you to be really close to him*

Mattheo: Princess, you never let me explain why you were in my room in my clothes *its dark but you can see his smirk*

*PART 6!*

Y/n: *you were blushing really hard bc you were so close to Mattheo and his hands were on your waist* Then tell me why I was in your room, and wipe that smirk off your face Riddle.

Mattheo: fine, your so boring *he had such a goofy smile*

Y/n: just tell me why I was in your room.

Mattheo: so after I brought you to my room, you INVADED my stuff and grabbed my joggers and hoodie and put them on and told me that they were comfortable and you called me Matty btw!

Y/n: *you felt so embarrassed and he must of saw it*

Mattheo: it's okay Y/n I love when you call me that. Anyways, after that I said that I thought you hate me and you said you Loved me and asked if I love you too. But before I could answer you kissed me and asked if you could stay the night and I said yes and then this morning happened. *he smiled and tightened his grip around your waist*

Y/n: wow.... I'm so sorry Mattheo..

Mattheo: nuuh thats no what you call me anymore love.. its Matty.

Y/n: okay *you giggled*

Mattheo: *he leaned in closer and whispered in your ear and you could feel his hot breath on your neck* to answer your que-

*you cut him off because you forgot the time*

Y/n: Matty!!! we are really late to class!

*you went to run out of the closet but he pulled you in and kissed you*

Mattheo: now we can leave! *he held your hand down the hallway as yall ran to class*

*PART 7!*

*You quickly let go of his hand as you knock on professor Slughorn's door and enter*

P.S(slughorn): Look who finally decided to show up!

Y/n and Mattheo: sorry professor!

*after yall sit down Slughorn asks one of yall to smell the potion but you didn't know it was a love potion so you raised your hand*

P.S: Okay Miss Y/n, tell us what you smell in this potion here.

Y/n: I smell a lot of cologne and cigarettes and alcohol and blood but it smells really good I can't describe it.

Hermione: sounds like Someone fancies Mattheo Riddle because that's called Amortentia.

*you felt your face get really red and you saw Mattheo smiling at you*

P.S: you may sit down now Mrs. Riddle

Y/n: Professor!!

*everyone laughed at his joke as you went and sat back next to Mattheo and avoided eye contact*

*Mattheo Raised his hand too*

P.S: yes Mr. Riddle?

Mattheo: May I smell it too? I want to see who I smell.

P.S: Yes Mr. Riddle make it quick.

*Mattheo stared deeply in you eyes before getting up to smell the amortentia*

Mattheo: I smell-

*Thats it for part 7!*
