Playing The Sims 2 for the first time in YEARS (Streamed 5/24/23)

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The Sims 2 is iconic

- Origin ID: lilsimsie

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The biggest thing with the sims 2 is the attention to detail that the creators had. The animations, relationships and interactions are just detailed not even the sims 3 can compare.


I need Kayla to play with the townies in sims 2, they have such good stories and lore set up.


It’s not just nostalgia. It’s that this game was created to be a life simulator. Not a dress up game. Building, creating worlds of your own, AND simulating life and relationships was always the point. It’s not about just aesthetics, which is all people can really praise in sims 4. What do I do with a bunch of pretty stuff when the gameplay isn’t there, the lore isn’t there? It’s very sad that Sims 4 is what Will Wright envisioned but stripped to its absolute bare minimum.


I have been playing the Sims since the original came out. Now I play with my grandchildren. Sims 2 was the best as far as storyline and lore. The backstories were WILD!


I love this.
Sims 1 & 2 was my childhood. Sims 3 was my teenage years, and Sims 4 is my adult life lol


you should play the fixed events in order... nobody does that anymore and it's hilarious


I think the Gameplay in the Sims 2 is the most fun. My favorite easter egg is, when your sim is kinda active you can click on a coffeetable and do yoga on top of it. 😂😂 and i miss those cuddles in bed. They are so lovely. I hate that sims in the sims 4 sleep like they are stuck.


I STILL play The Sims 2. I am obsessed with this version of the game. I have over 3, 000 hours racked up in Origin/EA Play since I got the Ultimate Collection. I don’t even know how many hours I played when I had the discs before that. Watching this stream is scratching my itch to play since I’m unable to play right now.


Being born in the early 90s I'm feeling pretty old here haha. I played the original Sims when it first came out. Best soundtrack still to date.


The original "The Sims' in 2000 was my first sims I ever played as a child


I was just barely old enough to play the Sims 2, but I remember watching people on Youtube make various clips and music videos with the game! I was a Sims 3 player as a child, considering I was 11 in 2009.

Edit: person in chat who said "i keep hearing my name which is cas" is a mood, because whenever somebody calls Cassandra Goth by the nickname Cassie it gets me, because thats how my name is said. its short for the same thing in my case too, just different spellings!


My first game was sims 2 although the only expansion pack i had was Pet's i always had so much fun with the game. I honestly really want to play it again just for the chaos


I started on the og sims was back when I was like 10 years old.. but the sims 2 will always be my favorite, so much nostalgia ❤❤❤


You have no idea how happy I get when you post a Sims 2 gameplay


this is so weird because i just got my sims 2 to work for the first time in years and im doing my first legacy generations with some sims i made in the nighlife town where they're quite rich and high in their jobs. so having you play this now is awesome lol


OMG I grew up on sims 2. Skipped the 3rd and went straight to the sims 4. Then brings me 😂


this is so funny watching Kayla struggle with the games dated restrictions ajshdkas


You actually can cheat the needs down, but you need to type the testingcheats on cheat in the neighborhood view instead of in a household, that's why it didn't work. It's a bit goofy like that haha


The Sims 2 remains my favorite to this day! Its the only sims game I play regularly. Sure, a lot of it is dated, but I'd rather have outdated graphics and limited CAS/build mode than play the other games. Plus mods help a lot (although I still stand by the fact that I can play an unmodded Sims 2 game and enjoy it, while I dont even want to open an unmodded version of any other sim game.)


I played Sims 2 for hours back when I was in high school on my old PC, motherboard on the PC died so I lost everything. Recently decided to buy Sims 2, and a few other older Sims games on my Gamecube and honestly I'm so excited. I get to re-live childhood moments again. Watching you play this made me realize how much I missed it.
